#11 2008-02-24 16:51

Registered: 2008-01-24
Posts: 11

Re: Shutter v3 Alpha / Beta

:: the "reset all events when any event is interrupted" is not feasible/possible right now. Program is not capable of detecting "interrupted" state of the event, it only knows when event has be "triggered". Also, "interrupted" might be
:: ambiguous for some events, and some would not event have an "interrupted" state, like Countdown or Timer events.

I certainly understand that.  How about an option to 'Reset all events" when the active event is interrupted then?

As for the documentation I can certainly help out there.  Do you have anything already started?  If so send it my way otherwise I'll start from scratch.  I can't do chm files but I can send a rtf\pdf readme.



#12 2008-02-29 09:41

Registered: 2008-02-15
Posts: 6

Re: Shutter v3 Alpha / Beta

den4b wrote:

Iangh, help file would be a great addition, but it comes down the to luck of time. I simply don't have time to make a help file. Sorry.

Iangh, your monitor turns back on probably because your mouse movements or keyboard activity wake it up straight after it was put asleep. When you execute "Monitor Turn Off" action, it takes effect immediately, leaving no time for the user to stop responding, e.g. moving mouse and pressing keyboard. I've added a 300ms delay for this action, so, if you execute this action with a click of the mouse - you have 300ms to stop responding, i.e. moving the mouse.

Latest dev version: Shutter3Alpha.zip (Alpha 4)

Many thanks,


#13 2008-03-02 19:00

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Shutter v3 Alpha / Beta

jsmooth, it still goes back to the fact that Shutter or events don't know, and some even can't know, when they have been "interrupted". At the moment, it is not possible, with the current design, but I will note this idea for the future.

Regarding the documentation... I don't have anything started, not a bit. RTF or DOC format would be great, and I can print them to PDF at any time. By the way, I would recommend you to have a look at the help file (pdf) which comes with ReNamer, you can use it as guidelines to the formatting, style, etc.


#14 2008-03-10 23:11

Registered: 2008-02-15
Posts: 6

Re: Shutter v3 Alpha / Beta

Hi den4b,

I have noticed two intermittent faults.

First one I can definitely ascribe to Shutter. I have set the options to stop events when going to sleep, and start when coming out of sleep. Intermittently, when coming out of sleep Shutter is not running (grey icon). I have the PC to set to prompt for password. Not sure whether this has anything to do with it. I ran the PC for a day without password prompting and didn't notice any problems but it wasn't a scientific trial.

Secondly, not sure about Shutter's involvement in this one. Based on the above problem I stopped using stop and start options and used the restart events instead. This works but I have noticed when this option is checked every now and then the PC goes to sleep of it's own accord even though I am doing something at the time. From what I gather it is not that long after it has come out of sleep.

I use shutter (1BY1) to sleep after 20mins and CPU below 10% for 30secs.



#15 2008-03-12 00:20

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Shutter v3 Alpha / Beta

First issue: The code wasn't updated properly to restart the events when computer is brought back from stand by or hibernation. I made necessary changes, so it should work now.

Second issue: 1BY1 means that events are monitored in sequence, 1 by 1. In your case, countdown of 20 mins is reached after 20 mins, and then the second even kicks in, waiting until it reaches <10% usage for 30 seconds. Once the last one is achieved, Shutter will execute the selected actions (stand by in your case I think). You might have misunderstood the meaning of 1BY1 logic.

Latest development version: Shutter3Alpha.zip (Alpha 5)


#16 2008-03-12 00:59

Registered: 2008-02-15
Posts: 6

Re: Shutter v3 Alpha / Beta

den4b wrote:

First issue: The code wasn't updated properly to restart the events when computer is brought back from stand by or hibernation. I made necessary changes, so it should work now.

Second issue: 1BY1 means that events are monitored in sequence, 1 by 1. In your case, countdown of 20 mins is reached after 20 mins, and then the second even kicks in, waiting until it reaches <10% usage for 30 seconds. Once the last one is achieved, Shutter will execute the selected actions (stand by in your case I think). You might have misunderstood the meaning of 1BY1 logic.

Latest development version: Shutter3Alpha.zip (Alpha 5)

Thanks for this.

Re second issue I need to check my understanding. I thought that the PC would wait 20mins and then trigger event 1 waiting for the next event re low CPU. So, the idle event has triggered and the PC is waiting for the low CPU time to pass before the second trigger and, hence, sleep - during that wait for the second trigger if I use the PC does the first trigger reset itself back to 0? I assumed it did.



#17 2008-03-12 01:41

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Shutter v3 Alpha / Beta

Re second issue I need to check my understanding. I thought that the PC would wait 20mins and then trigger event 1 waiting for the next event re low CPU. So, the idle event has triggered and the PC is waiting for the low CPU time to pass before the second trigger and, hence, sleep - during that wait for the second trigger if I use the PC does the first trigger reset itself back to 0? I assumed it did.

No, already triggered events are NOT reset when current event is reset back to 0. I am afraid you were misled.


#18 2008-03-16 02:57

Registered: 2008-02-15
Posts: 6

Re: Shutter v3 Alpha / Beta

Iangh wrote:

Hi den4b,
I have the PC to set to prompt for password. Not sure whether this has anything to do with it. I ran the PC for a day without password prompting and didn't notice any problems but it wasn't a scientific trial.

Hi den4b,

I have been running the latest shutter you kindly provided and am now certain there is an intermittent problem if you use password prompting when returning from sleep.

I have shutter running on mine and my daughter's PC. She does not use the password prompt and has had no problems. I have tried spells with and without the password prompt and something always happens when I password prompt.

It's no big deal to me as I am OK to stop using the password prompt.



#19 2008-04-06 15:00

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Shutter v3 Alpha / Beta

Iangh, Shutter might have permissions problem when you are using password prompt.

Can you explain to me the expected behaviour from what you are trying to achieve, and what actually happens?


#20 2008-04-17 17:30

Registered: 2008-04-17
Posts: 3

Re: Shutter v3 Alpha / Beta

Ah - I've just found this thread. I had originally posted to the "suggestions" forum, but it seems the alpha release answers many of my questions.

I currently have it set such that if a window is  closed and the user is idle for 15 minutes, the system shuts down. Would it be possible to have a "no windows open" event? It could then be set up such that  when the last window was closed (or if none were every opened after startup), if there was no user input for x minutes, the system would shutdown...

Just a thought,




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