#121 2009-09-06 21:24

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: ReNamer: Making of new manual

narayan wrote:

Denis, can we have "insets" (also called "box"), as in books? Then we can place additional tips and finer discussions right next to a point. But the difference in font+background will alert the user that this part is a little different; so he can stick with the main narrative.

Yes, we can certainly add them! I gave it a try a while ago, and created Template:Hint, but it is only a starting point as it is not ideal. You can start using it and I will modify the template at a later stage. If you want, you can draw a mokup for these boxes and forward them onto me. For icons have a look at Tango icons of the the ones already in the wiki.

krtek wrote:

Denis, what are the exact dangers of using Real-Time Preview?

The interface is not blocked and after every previewed file application processes windows events (such as key presses, mouse clicks and others), meaning that user is able to startup any functionality including even closing the program all together. Imagine half-way through the preview you start clicking some options/buttons/menues - the preview process will continue only after the called functionality is executed, so you can even remove the files which are to be processed when preview resumes - which will probably cause dramatic and unpredictable results. This is extremely dangerous functionality and should actually be removed.

To clear things up, I should probably say that I was the original author of these articles (for future, you can find this out from the history of the article). I have created them with minimum information and topics which I thought should be covered and expanded later on (and it seems that the idea actually worked wink).

My take on them is as follows: Ordering files should describe external to ReNamer aspects, such as drag-n-drop problem, everything up ot the point when files actually appear in ReNamer; then Sorting files take over after that that, describing everything that is going on inside Renamer, such as manual sorting, automatic sorting, etc.

Also, can someone actually incorporate Andrew examples into the Ordering files article, with that nice picture he has provided.

P.S. Sorry for my poor participation in recent weeks, it got so busy...
P.S. Please bring out (highlight) any questions directed to me as I might have missed them when scrolled through the topic.


#122 2009-09-15 15:09

Senior Member
Registered: 2009-02-08
Posts: 471

Re: ReNamer: Making of new manual

Well, we should not split the manual too much; otherwise it will become unreadable.

I think sorting and ordering are related as follows:
1. There is only the column-based automatic mode; which can be disabled.
2. Only when sorting is disabled, we have the following options:
2a. we can change the order of any file manually; or
2b. leave the files in natural order (in the order they are added to the pane).

If this is confirmed, I will edit the pages.



#123 2009-09-17 16:50

Senior Member
Registered: 2008-04-28
Posts: 446

Re: ReNamer: Making of new manual

On the program settings there is a option called "Use natural algorithm sorting" that probably should be mentioned somewhere on those articles.

And about this:

den4b wrote:
krtek wrote:

Denis, what are the exact dangers of using Real-Time Preview?

The interface is not blocked and after every previewed file application processes windows events (such as key presses, mouse clicks and others), meaning that user is able to startup any functionality including even closing the program all together. Imagine half-way through the preview you start clicking some options/buttons/menues - the preview process will continue only after the called functionality is executed, so you can even remove the files which are to be processed when preview resumes - which will probably cause dramatic and unpredictable results. This is extremely dangerous functionality and should actually be removed.

I don't know why other users use this option but in my case it's just to know how far is from the end (or if it's still alive). I don't know if you are planning to remove it, but in my opinion it could be replace with a window telling "Previewed X files from XX on the list." or with a progress bar (would be even better with an cancel(stop preview) button like krtek, i think, proposed for the real time preview).

If this software has helped you, consider getting your pro version. :)


#124 2010-01-05 19:07

Senior Member
Registered: 2009-02-08
Posts: 471

Re: ReNamer: Making of new manual

A recent post asked how to change folders.

I remember we had put that in the wiki manual right in the beginning (at least as introduction). But I am unable to find it now. Any idea if someone edited that out?

We also need to add such examples for all rules (just like what we have done for the "Rearrange" rule).


#125 2010-01-05 20:59

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: ReNamer: Making of new manual

The only article which describes folders is ReNamer:Renaming folders, but that is not what you are looking for, right?

I don't think we ever had an article describing how to rename (move) files to different folder. Maybe we should create a dedicated one and call it something like "Renaming to another folder". What do you think?


#126 2010-01-06 02:04

Senior Member
Registered: 2009-02-08
Posts: 471

Re: ReNamer: Making of new manual

No that's not the text I am refering to: That text was written by someone else (not me).

It was in the introductory part of the manual (not in a rule page).
tt warned the user to be careful because ReNamer is capable of changing the path also; and showed how.

Anyhow the path-changing capability is not mentioned as a feature as of now.
I will add that and also examples in different rule pages this weekend.


#127 2010-01-06 13:32

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: ReNamer: Making of new manual

I have created a stub article with basic information ReNamer:Renaming to another folder, and added a bullet point in the ReNamer:Introduction.


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