#61 2009-05-04 23:17

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,463


#62 2009-05-17 23:02

Senior Member
From: Земун, Србија
Registered: 2008-01-23
Posts: 356

Re: ReNamer: Making of new manual

User manual draft is not bad. When/if Denis creates a wiki page it will suffer structural changes, be more complete and punctual.
It could happen that I missed something to mention...here are mine notes about manual smile

Spelling/grammar mistakes checked by MS Word 2007 (UK English):

Page 5:

Version Information: The Yy number is increamented for each release of ReNamer.

-> incremented

Page 9:

ReNamer is so intuitive that just this much information is enough for most users.

ReNamer is so intuitive that this description is enough for most users.

Page 12:

Changing the order of the files in the pane: In such cases, each files gets its name based on its position in the list.

-> file

Page 17:

When is a file considered “renamed successfully”?

-> When a file is... (optional)

Page 27:

Symbols ---> Strip symbols (add new symbols, or remove some opf the symbols as necessary)

-> of

Page 28:

In all other options, all letters in the original name are forced to lowercase first, and then converted as defined ion the option..

-> in

Page 29:

Since ReNamer can work on files collected from multiple
folders, this control allows you to reset the number for each of
those folders. The effect is as if you are repeating the same
commend for each of the folders separately.

-> command

Page 30:

Specify how many digits your randon number should have...

-> random

• Note that the numbers are NOT padded by defauilt

-> default

Page 42:

ReName enters Edit mode. The New Name column shows the file name in a
box, and the file's name is highlighted.

-> ReNamer

Page 60:

@@@ by definition, the {} expressions have to find exactly the specified number of occurences.

-> occurrences

US English (used in manual):        UK English:

canceled                                  cancelled
neighborhood                            neighbourhood
behavior                                   behaviour
favorite                                    favourite
grayed                                     greyed

P.S. Somewhere nouns could be without definite article THE, this and other similar mistakes will be corrected when we start to use wiki features.

Functional Mistakes/Suggestions:

Add page numbers to the sheets (bottom centered).

Page 7:

- Description of ReNamer could be copied from Project page (IMO it's better that way)

Page 8:

- System requirements: --> described at Project page; copy them
- How to uninstall ReNamer: it's not correct; you have to run uninstaller to remove all traces of ReNamer

Page 10:

The Add Files button adds only the selected files and subfolders in a folder. Use it to make finer selections.

BUT without subfolders. You cannot add them; option says for itself

Drag and drop files and folders into the Files pane (from Windows Explorer or any other application).

I'm not sure that you can Drag & Drop files and folders from any other application? Btw, what do you mean by that? (Replace any with some or remove that statement.)

Page 11:

3. Press OK. The selected files are added to ReNamer's Files pane.

Press Open!

Adding files using the Drag-and-drop method

Adding files and folders using the Drag-and-drop method.

In following description use items or files/folders.

Select the files in any application and drag-and-drop into ReNamer's Files pane.

Use Windows Explorer rather than "any application".

Page 14:

5. Press the Add Rule button at the bottom of the window. The rule is added to the stack.
The window stays open, and allows you to add more rules.

After you press Add Rule button, rules window is closed.

Editing rules
Editing a rule means changing its parameters and options, and then saving the rule.
You can change the order of rules using any of the following methods:

You can edit rules using any of the following methods:

Page 15:

You can select multiple rules and then delete them at a time (press DEL).

Behavior for rules isn't same as in files pane. You cannot select multiple rules!

Only one rule can be selected at a time. (correct)
You can select multiple rules and carry out certain actions on all these rules in one stroke.

Contradictory! Already explained in previous paragraph.

Page 18:

Have to emphasize that name1, name2, name3 use same path to reproduce invalid behavior.

Page 19:

Change extension of files to the specified extension, or to the extension automatically detected through the internal database of binary signatures.

Change extension of files to the specified extension, append to the original filename, or detect extension through internal database of binary signatures.

Page 20:

Adds the string after the existing name.
• If the skip extension option is selected, the specified text will be inserted after the extension.

• If the skip extension option is deselected, the specified text will be inserted after the extension.

Page 27:

Strip symbols (add new symbols, or remove some opf the symbols as necessary)

Why add new symbols when this option strip all of them?

Page 28:

• Put a space between different fragments.

Now is changed to comma.

Page 30:

After the original file name (just before the dot)
• If the skip extension option is selected, the specified text will be inserted after the extension.

• If the skip extension option is deselected, the specified text will be inserted after the extension.

Pad to length

Pad with zeros to reach length

Page 35:

Add Case-sensitive description

From Page 44:

Appendices should be completed/edited.

Page 48:

Open operating folder Ctrl+Enter

Open containing folder Ctrl+Enter

Waiting for Wiki...

TRUTH, FREEDOM, JUSTICE and FATHERLAND are the highest morale values which human is born, lives and dies for!


#63 2009-05-18 15:10

Senior Member
Registered: 2009-02-08
Posts: 471

Re: ReNamer: Making of new manual

Hey you could have directly done that to the wiki (right after I add the text)    ;D

People don't need to comment why they want to change certain passage (There won't be any justifications from editors.)


#64 2009-06-14 17:10

Senior Member
Registered: 2008-04-28
Posts: 446

Re: ReNamer: Making of new manual

I'm looking at some pages of the wiki, looks that there are some problems of encoding, but I'm not sure if it's just my problem, can anyone confirm for example, on the translit page I see some strange characters.

I was going to apply this rule to the clipboard and paste it all again

  FileName := UTF8Decode(FileName);

Works on the preview, but as I'm not sure if I'm the only one who have this problem I didn't submit the change

(By the way, the translit page is a very good place to mention this function of the pascal script)

Last edited by SafetyCar (2009-06-14 17:11)

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#65 2009-06-14 21:45

Senior Member
From: Łódź (Poland)
Registered: 2008-02-21
Posts: 262

Re: ReNamer: Making of new manual

SafetyCar, I've got the same "strange characters", eg.

(the name Müller can be also written as Mueller)


For example, 




Regular Expressions are not as hard to understand as you may think. Check ReNamer's manual or nice Regular Expressions tutorial for more info and start to use full power of applications that use them (like ReNamer, Mp3Tag and so on).


#66 2009-06-15 14:22

Senior Member
Registered: 2009-02-08
Posts: 471

Re: ReNamer: Making of new manual

Sorry about that- I had inserted the correct German characters in my original odt file. But when I converted the manual into Mediawiki format, all of them got converted into such junk characters. I was unaware of this.

I have corrected this page now by inserting Unicode.

To understand how I did it, please see http://tlt.its.psu.edu/suggestions/inte … l#foreign) and then select the Translit page and press the edit button at the top. You will see the same code (such as ö).

I have yet to upload the images (screenshots) from the original manual and then embed them into the text.

There may be several other types of problems left out; which would have to be corrected collaboratively (by the other contributors) or I will do that when I find time.

So if you see any other problems, please feel free to correct it. Thanks!

Last edited by narayan (2009-06-15 14:46)


#67 2009-06-15 15:48

Senior Member
Registered: 2009-02-08
Posts: 471

Re: ReNamer: Making of new manual


I think the manual lacks proper navigational links.

The left pane should have the topics listed here: http://den4b.com/wiki/index.php/ReNamer
Instead, it just contains one link to the home page of the wiki (all products).

Each page should also have Next, Previous and Top links.


#68 2009-06-17 20:11

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,463

Re: ReNamer: Making of new manual

I have noticed the problem with the navigation, but I don't think we can do anything about that... We can't put ReNamer's help topics on the main page, because then we would have to put all of the topics for other tools too. It will be a mess.

narayan wrote:

Each page should also have Next, Previous and Top links.

As far as I understand Wiki, these navigation links would have to be put in manually by us, in each article. We can do this using templates, to ease this task.


#69 2009-06-18 02:21

Senior Member
Registered: 2009-02-08
Posts: 471

Re: ReNamer: Making of new manual

I think the usual Wiki (e.g. wikipedia) does not need the next/previous links because those pages are not sequential. Each page is independent topic, and the next page can be any other topic. The related topics are selected and their links are inserted at the bottom of the page manually.

So in our case, we can insert that manually.

Example: suppose we are at "Delete rule" page.

It will have three links at the bottom (all to be inserted manually):

Previous: Insert rule              Top: Renamer              Next: Remove rule.

What do you think?


#70 2009-06-19 16:25

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,463

Re: ReNamer: Making of new manual

I have created a template called Navigation:

And added it to few rules to see how it looks.

What do you think?


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