#31 2009-06-15 06:03

Registered: 2009-06-15
Posts: 26

Re: Setting up a Wiki: DokuWiki or MediaWiki

A bit late in the piece I know,
but I found a lot of value from PmWiki
and use it for my own wiki.


#32 2009-06-16 13:54

Senior Member
Registered: 2009-02-08
Posts: 471

Re: Setting up a Wiki: DokuWiki or MediaWiki

Do we have a method to upload all images from a folder in one shot?
Uploading them individually would be very tedious.

Last edited by narayan (2009-06-16 13:55)


#33 2009-06-17 20:16

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Setting up a Wiki: DokuWiki or MediaWiki

No, there is no way to upload multiple images at once. You are right, uploading every image would be tedious, but this is only a 1 time effort. Also, it is kinda good that each image needs to be uploaded separately. Upload one image, link it to the documents, then upload another, etc. You can have a break after any image, and someone else perhaps could do few images too.


#34 2009-06-17 20:27

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Setting up a Wiki: DokuWiki or MediaWiki

skiwi wrote:

A bit late in the piece I know, but I found a lot of value from PmWiki and use it for my own wiki.

PmWiki was one of the contenders when I was making the choice of which Wiki to use. If I remember correctly, it had much less features, much smaller user base, and no extensions.


#35 2009-06-21 04:33

Senior Member
Registered: 2009-02-08
Posts: 471

Re: Setting up a Wiki: DokuWiki or MediaWiki

It seems there is a full-fledged WYSIWYG editor that works right inside Mediawiki and Drupal:
It will let More people contribute without getting bogged down with the mediawiki syntax.

This page is a live demo: http://www.fckeditor.net/demo

I don't know whether it is an addon/extension or a built in feature that can be simply activated. Check it out anyhow!


#36 2009-06-21 11:43

Senior Member
Registered: 2008-05-22
Posts: 542

Re: Setting up a Wiki: DokuWiki or MediaWiki

FCKEditor is good, but if you're gonna use it, please ensure that you deploy only the latest version. Another site I frequent uses an older version that doesn't support IE8 (that I need to use on 1 machine) for some strange reason (though IE7 used to work!)

BTW, does it create HTML tags only or Wiki tags too (which we require)?

Last edited by Andrew (2009-06-21 11:44)


#37 2009-06-23 14:17

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Setting up a Wiki: DokuWiki or MediaWiki

I have installed the official FCKEditor extension. I like the fact that you can switch between Rich and Plain modes so easily. It looks and works great, but I think I will still use plain text editing mode for myself.

Andrew wrote:

BTW, does it create HTML tags only or Wiki tags too (which we require)?

It uses Wiki tags where possible I guess. This is exactly why I will keep using plain text mode, so I am in full control what goes in in terms of tags/markup.


#38 2009-06-23 18:50

Senior Member
Registered: 2009-02-08
Posts: 471

Re: Setting up a Wiki: DokuWiki or MediaWiki

I see that a few pages contain the "redirected from" tagline.

AFAIK, the redirection is best used when-
1. There is a disambiguation (users have to choose one of the several optional pages), or
2. Where users enter a popular but outdated title by force of old habit; and then the wiki takes care of that mistake by automatically redirecting them. In such cases, the tagline reassures them that they have not landed there by some mistake (or by a hacked site). Typically when the product name changes.

But in our case, the original pages do not exist in public domain any more. Neither do they have a different content that is still relevant for users of old versions.

So it is best to delete the older pages and remove the tagline altogether.

What do you think?

Last edited by narayan (2009-06-23 18:51)


#39 2009-06-24 02:28

Senior Member
Registered: 2009-02-08
Posts: 471

Re: Setting up a Wiki: DokuWiki or MediaWiki

The KCEditor is lovely.
It has a maximize editor button that allows you do full-screen editing.

I want to change the color of some bold text to blue, red and orange (for using in the RegEx examples).

But I am not able to see the text controls described here:
http://docs.fckeditor.net/FCKeditor_2.x … Formatting

Especially the text color and background color buttons are missing.

Some toolbars are not activated.
http://docs.fckeditor.net/FCKeditor_2.x … ce/Toolbar

If you have deliberately removed these buttons, then another option is to add a style in the CSS, so that I can pick it from a predefined style list.

Last edited by narayan (2009-06-24 02:36)


#40 2009-06-26 16:53

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Setting up a Wiki: DokuWiki or MediaWiki

I did not make any modifications to FCKEditor. I think the normal FCKEditor and the one made specifically for MediaWiki, FCKEditor extension, are slightly different and that may be why you cannot find some functions.


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