#11 2006-07-29 21:58

Senior Member
From: Birmingham, UK
Registered: 2006-05-03
Posts: 122

Re: Useful programs

If anyone has anything to say - positive or negative, any suggestions, feel free to post

What's YOUR favourite program??

I know you're out there - this thread has been read so many times compared to posts that it's getting silly smile

Honestly I'd like to get a list of 'must have' programs - I can't believe I've got all of them already.......

Go on - you know you want to................

Last edited by dloneranger (2006-07-29 22:00)


#12 2006-07-29 22:34

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Useful programs

Thanks dloneranger! Will try to keep it that way (the good guy) smile

And here is a short list of my favorite proggies, freeware:
* Opera - the very best browser that I can't live without!
* Skype - the coolest all-in-one chat/talk program, I use it all the time to call people.
* eMule - the best P2P client out there, loads of features, simple and easy-to-use.
* Winamp - everybody knows Winamp, don't even have to say the word about it, simply the best.
* Inno Setup - create installer, ease to use, very powerful, uses scripts.
* WinSCP - the best ssh/sftp client for Windows, possibly the only usable one.
* Media Player Classic - tiny and soooo much functionality, the best video player.

The is also one that is not freeware, which I must mention:
* EditPlus 2 - the very best text file editor, with advanced syntax highlighting for anything.

That is just the short list, to lazy today to write them all, have a bad hangover after last night tongue


#13 2006-07-29 22:56

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Useful programs

Regarding your email...........

I know about one bug that existed in last 3 releases (RC1, Final, 4.10) yikes

From my point of view, it might not be a bug in ReNamer. Because I went thought that piece of code at least 100 times, and couldn't find why the final API call fails to do the desired action. I think it might be some poorly/badly documented behavior in Windows API, because it happened to me few times in the past.

It is a little broken functionality that most of people don't even know about. You wanna try finding it ? big_smile


#14 2006-07-31 10:20

Senior Member
From: Birmingham, UK
Registered: 2006-05-03
Posts: 122

Re: Useful programs

den4b wrote:

I know about one bug that existed in last 3 releases (RC1, Final, 4.10) yikes

From my point of view, it might not be a bug in ReNamer. Because I went thought that piece of code at least 100 times, and couldn't find why the final API call fails to do the desired action. I think it might be some poorly/badly documented behavior in Windows API, because it happened to me few times in the past.

It is a little broken functionality that most of people don't even know about. You wanna try finding it ? big_smile

Hey!!! No finding your own bugs wink

The only thing that I have seen is the checkbox colours -black for the rules, green for the files smile

Everything else works like I'd expect - give me a hint and I'll see what I can find


#15 2006-07-31 19:43

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Useful programs

I've just fixed it.. tongue ... It was previously broken functionality for deleting files to recycle bin, in the context menu of the files table. I forgot to append 2 null characters to the path, when was calling the SHFileOperation. Thats how Windows detects the end of null separated list of files.

By the way, black checkboxes and green checkboxes - are the intended behavior. The files table is a Virtual Treeview component, it has those green checkboxes in the resource files, and you are able to select the ones you want it to use. But the rules list is TTntListView component which is a standard TListView component but with the Unicode support. ReNamer doesn't allow themed components yet.


#16 2006-07-31 20:57

Senior Member
From: Birmingham, UK
Registered: 2006-05-03
Posts: 122

Re: Useful programs

den4b wrote:

I've just fixed it.. tongue ... It was previously broken functionality for deleting files to recycle bin, in the context menu of the files table. I forgot to append 2 null characters to the path, when was calling the SHFileOperation. Thats how Windows detects the end of null separated list of files.

Ah, I know that problem (zero terminated list of pchars) - I think we've all been caught out by it a few times, it comes up daily on the borland forums (along with the 'why does my for loop count backwards' messages) smile


#17 2006-08-01 00:13

Senior Member
From: Birmingham, UK
Registered: 2006-05-03
Posts: 122

Re: Useful programs

den4b wrote:

black checkboxes and green checkboxes - are the intended behavior. The files table is a Virtual Treeview component, it has those green checkboxes in the resource files, and you are able to select the ones you want it to use. But the rules list is TTntListView component which is a standard TListView component but with the Unicode support. ReNamer doesn't allow themed components yet.

I've just being playing with this
Adding a manifest to the app (as an external manifest file)
1)Makes the rules checkboxes appear correctly themed, but destroys the toolbar above (the add files,folder,preview,rename)
2)In the rules, the rulenumber is a few pixels too narrow

I may be blowing in the wind here, but the only times I've had that happen (point 1) was due to a 'transparent' background property, or forgetting to toggle 'parent background' from false to true and back to false to get around a delphi .dfm streaming bug in d7
Off the top of my head I think the TToolbar transparent property has this .dfm problem as well - easy to check though - if you toggle it to true and then back, the property should not show in bold - if it shows in bold then that property isn't streamed correctly and you HAVE to toggle it (probably I'm teaching my grandmother to suck eggs here though)

I may be wrong, but it sure looks like like the toggeling bug - the background to each button shows the window underneath until you move the mouse over it when it forces a redraw and then looks ok
<grin> if I had the tnt components I'd be asking for the source code so I could test here - much harder to diagnose when you only have the visual effects to go by

Which component do you use for the bar? I know I've used a few that work ok, and I'm pretty sure that standard ones work fine as long as the transparent background option is turned off

Is that any use to you?

Of course, as soon as you let me know I'll try to find a solution (as long as it's a component I have) - there's a few changes in d2006 that fix some of the problems and the differences in code could help

PS if it is TToolbar, you should switch to the coolbar option - ttoolbar is being phased out in the newer versions of delphi and if you ever upgrade you'll save youself a bit of time by changing it now

Last edited by dloneranger (2006-08-01 00:50)


#18 2006-08-01 00:45

Senior Member
From: Birmingham, UK
Registered: 2006-05-03
Posts: 122

Re: Useful programs

[edit] added more info to the post above


#19 2006-08-01 15:58

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Useful programs

I tried adding manifest before, but because of these little graphical glitches/problems I didn't stick with it. For the top navigation panel I use TControlBar -> TToolBar -> TSpeedButtons. I couldn't use standard buttons of the TToolBar or the TCoolBar, because they don't allow manual resizing (from the code), what you see now on resize. And I had to turn on the transparency of TSpeedButtons, otherwise some weird line appears across them. I was playing with the bar few times before, and that's the best combination that I have found. Unfortunately, it is not very friendly to manifest...

probably I'm teaching my grandmother to suck eggs here though

Thats a good one!! lol ...  big_smile


#20 2006-08-02 09:51

Senior Member
From: Birmingham, UK
Registered: 2006-05-03
Posts: 122

Re: Useful programs

I've had a quick go at the toolbar with xp manifest and transparent speedbuttons and they all work fine here (using D7)
source code here ftp://dloneranger.dynu.com/ToolbarTestSource.zip 4K

The only other thing I can think of that's caused that trouble for me before was doublebuffering, but that doesn't look like your trouble hmm
I can't get the same visual problems no matter what I try, here everything just works fine but renamer always shows the same trouble (so it's not a graphics card driver problem)

More information would be handy to sort it out
There's something different between what I tried and what you have done that causes Renamer to paint itself incorrectly when it has a manifest, but I can't pinpoint it from here without any code to check though :-(

Sorry, the best I can suggest is that you compare my source code to yours roll
The only thing i can think of is that you've set a property where I left it as defaulf

[edit] the ftp i gave above was spelled incorrectly - fixed now

Last edited by dloneranger (2006-08-02 18:25)


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