#31 2007-09-27 01:29

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Useful programs

Here is another handy tool for editing MP3 tags: Mp3tag (http://www.mp3tag.de/en/)

Mp3tag is a powerful and yet easy-to-use tool to edit metadata (ID3, Vorbis Comments and APE) of common audio formats. It can rename files based on the tag information, replace characters or words from tags and filenames, import/export tag information, create playlists and more. The program supports online freedb database lookups for selected files, allowing you to automatically gather proper tag information for select files or CDs.


#32 2007-09-30 08:41

From: USA
Registered: 2006-04-28
Posts: 45

Re: Useful programs

> Firefox - bestest web browser ever
-- plethora of extensions for firefox
--- NoScript - don't surf without it
--- AdBlock Plus - its your bandwidth don't waste it on ads

> FooBar 2000 - music player widgets the way you want them.  no bloat.

> FlashFXP - FTP+ client.  the search nested directory tool is priceless

> CCCP - this is not really a "codec pack".  that phrase usually stirs up trauma.  This is more of a tool to rescue the foolish from themselves, but its a great first-install.  Enable playback of nearly everything with every system player including icky WMP, but especially with its two players: Media Player Classic and Zoom Player (also let's you do merit tweaking)

> MPlayer Full Package - combine with CCCP, or not for minimal system impact with optimal playback options. now with MPUI front end and SMPlayer front end (a shiny version for those kind of people)


#33 2007-10-02 09:57

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Useful programs

LawOfNonContradiction wrote:

Firefox - bestest web browser ever

Disagree! ....  Opera (www.opera.com) - is the bestEST browser big_smile


#34 2008-02-18 00:20

Senior Member
From: Земун, Србија
Registered: 2008-01-23
Posts: 355

Re: Useful programs

These applications I use(d):             Read description on their sites...

ABBYY FineReader 9 Professional Edition (abbyy.com)   Makes scanned papers editable
Ad-aware 8.0 (lavasoft.com)                                          Spyware protection
Adobe Photoshop CS4 (adobe.com)                               Complete image software
Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended (adobe.com)                 Create/edit/convert your PDF docs
Advanced SystemCare Pro 3.3.4 (iobit.com)                         Complete optimization software
Advanced System Optimizer 2.2 (systweak.com)           Complete optimization software
Ashampoo Snap 3.20  (ashampoo.com)             Snap your desktop
Ashampoo Movie Shrink & Burn 3.02 (ashampoo.com)
Ashampoo Music Studio 3.50 (ashampoo.com)
Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 3.03 (ashampoo.com)         Really outstanding tool!
Ashampoo Win Optimizer 6.30 (ashampoo.com)
BitMeter 3.5.8 (codebox.no-ip.net)                                Bandwidth meter
BS Player PRO 2.43 (bsplayer.org)                                 Best player for movies
Cheatbook 2009 (cheatbook.de)                         Excellent collection of game cheats
Digital Periodic Table 3.8B (freshney.org)               Periodic System of Chemical Elements
Diskeeper 2009 Pro Premier 13.0.844 (diskeeper.com) Excellent defragment tool
free Commander 2009.02 (freecommander.com)           Replacement for Total Commander
Grammar Check Anywhere 2009 (spellcheckanywhere.com) Spell and grammar check
JLC's internet TV 1.1 (jlc-software.com)         Program for watching TV channels worldwide
KaraFun 1.18 (karafun.com)                                           Karaoke player
Kaspersky Anti-Virus (kaspersky.com)            Anti-malware software
Limewire 4.18.8 PRO (limewire.com)                  The best P2P client. Supports torrents...
Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.40 (malwarebytes.com)  Anti-malware software
Master Converter 2.8 (savardsoftware.com)         Converter for 100s of measure units
Mobiledit (mobiledit.com)                         Browse phone contacts, sms, data...
Nero (nero.com)                                    Best burning software + additional tools
Nokia PC Suite (europe.nokia.com/pcsuite)      Manipulate your Nokia device
Opera 10.0 (opera.com)                                                 Best internet browser
Orbit Downloader 2.8.16 (orbitdownloader.com)             Download almost every stream video
Passware Kit Enterprise 9.3 (lostpassword.com)           Recover lost passwords
QuickTime Player 7.62 (quicktime.com)                          Audio/video player
Registry Booster 2009 (liutilities.com)                Clean obsolete and invalid registry
Registry Mechanic (pctools.com)                     Clean obsolete and invalid registry
Remote Desktop Control (remote-desktop-control.com) Displays a screen of another computer on your screen
Sisulizer Enterprise 2008 (sisulizer.com)                         Software localization tool
Skype (skype.com)                           Free calls, chats over the internet - VoIP
Tag&Rename 3.5.1 (softpointer.com/tr)                     Tag&Rename your music colllection
Total Video Converter 3.50 (effectmatrix.com)       Complete Solution for Video Conversion
Tug Zip (tugzip.com)                            Excellent replacement for winrar and winzip
Tunatic (wildbits.com)                         Song indentifier (for unknown artist and songs)
TuneUp Utilities 2009 8.0.3300 (tune-up.com)   Complete optimization software
UltraISO Premium Edition (ezbsystems.com) ISO CD/DVD image file creating/editing/converting tool
Virtual DJ 5.2.1 Pro (virtualdj.com)                                      Best DJ software
Visual Route 2009 13.1e (visualroute.com)              Shows urls "exactly" on world map
Winamp Winamp 5.56 (winamp.com)                               Best music player
Your Uninstaller! 2008 6.2.1347 (ursoftware.com)                   Complete uninstallater

Most of them are shareware...

Last edited by eR@SeR (2009-09-03 13:35)

TRUTH, FREEDOM, JUSTICE and FATHERLAND are the highest morale values which human is born, lives and dies for!


#35 2008-02-23 04:29

Senior Member
From: Łódź (Poland)
Registered: 2008-02-21
Posts: 262

Re: Useful programs

Here is my list of freeware applications that I can't live without.

Launchy is an application and document launcher that enables you to quickly access programs or files on your computer by simply typing the first few letters of the name. The program indexes your program shortcuts in the Start menu by default and you can extend the range by adding custom folder locations. Launchy remains hidden until you press the keyboard shortcut (ALT+Space by default) and then displays a simple input field (skinnable) for your query with almost instant results of items that match your keyword. (info from SnapFiles)

Free Download Manager
Powerful free easy-to-use download accelerator, manager and web-spider.
Combinig FDM with FlashGot (Firefox plugin) gives you a machine gun for downloading files from websites. It has the option to download files from selection. You can select eg. 5 paragraphs from the website and then press download selection. FDM opens and allows you to filter links/files possible to download according to their extentions. Unbelievable useful.

RunasSpc enables you to run programs that require administrator privileges, without the need to enter the administrator password each time. It works similar to the Windows RunAs command, but allows you to store the RunAs login information in an encrypted file, which can then be called via command line to launch a specific program with administrator privileges. This allows you to provide users with access to program that require admin rights, without having to provide them with elevated account privileges. A simple administration interface is provided to generate the cryptfile. (from SnapFiles)

MakeMeAdmin + PrivBar
Technically MakeMeAdmin is not an application. It's just a very useful batch file. When you run it, you get a Command Prompt running under your normal user account, but in a new logon session in which it is a member of the Administrators group.  This Command Prompt and any programs started from it use your regular profile, authenticate as you on the network, but have full local admin privileges.  All other programs continue to run with your regular, unprivileged account.
Just type "explorer" hit enter and you've got windows explorer window with administrator rights.
For the best functionality its important to have set Windows to run every Explorer window in a seperate process.
PrivBar shows you (with color dots) whether the window you use at the moment has administrator or regular rights.
http://blogs.msdn.com/aaron_margosis/ar … 93721.aspx (MakeMeAdmin)
http://blogs.msdn.com/aaron_margosis/ar … 95350.aspx (PrivBar)

SubEdit Player
IMHO the best movie player especially if you frequently watch films with subtitles. In SubEdit you can change the position of subtitles, size of font and etc. with one drag of mouse. The same you can do with video picture.
It is a powerful subtitles editor as well.

VLC Media Player
If you don't have a codec for the particular video, and if you don't want to make a mess in system by installing the codec, use VLC.
VLC uses its own codec library which dosen't affect your system. And it's really powerful.
It's great to preview temporary emule video files (but you need an emule plugin for that: http://www.geocities.com/sibermutant/).

Visual CD is a disk cataloging tool to index data CDs, floppy disks, hard drives and even folders. Once indexed, you can explore the CD catalogs, search files and folders without having the physical disk in the drive. A built-in favorites manager allows you to easily manage multiple catalogs, and a powerful search feature lets you search across multiple catalogs. The program comes with several additional options, you can split files into smaller pieces, extract ZIP, RAR and CAB archives, rename files, copy the entire CD to a new location and more. Visual CD provides a clean and attractive interface and optional Explorer integration from the right click menu. (from SnapFiles)
The best of that app is its quickness. It takes a second to catalog a DVD and less than a minute to catalog DVD of pictures (cataloging minatures of pictures) or mp3's (with cataloging mp3 tags).

As powerful to change mp3 tags and filenames of music files as ReNamer for regular files.
Wonderful tool that use regex's.

Microsoft AppLocale
It's hard to name that app powerful or perfect, but it helps me quite often to run Russian localized programs on my Polish Windows.
The Microsoft AppLocale (or Application Locale) utility is a temporary solution to these limitations caused by non-Unicode applications running on the Unicode (UTF-16) based Windows XP. AppLocale detects the language of the legacy application and simulates a corresponding system locale for code-page to/from Unicode conversions. (from Microsoft)

Don't want to pay for Photoshop? Use Gimp. Very powerful freeware graphic app.

Notebook Hardware control
I was looking for a long time for motherboard monitor that would work with my IBM Z60m laptop. And that's it. Really nice and easy-to-use app. The only thing about the free version is that it needs administrator rights to work. And that's where RunAsSPC comes with help.

Freeware tool to record and edit voice/music.

I hope you'll enjoy them as much as I do.

Regular Expressions are not as hard to understand as you may think. Check ReNamer's manual or nice Regular Expressions tutorial for more info and start to use full power of applications that use them (like ReNamer, Mp3Tag and so on).


#36 2009-09-21 18:03

Senior Member
Registered: 2008-04-28
Posts: 446

Re: Useful programs

I didn't know about this thread. Here is my favorite search program:

The fastest search I've ever seen... By the moment works only on NTFS drives but the Author is working to solve this.
Searches only on the file names (so I think that ReNamer is its best complement)

If this software has helped you, consider getting your pro version. :)


#37 2011-04-15 01:12

Registered: 2010-05-16
Posts: 1

Re: Useful programs

A little late but here is a list I try to put on every machine I have:


Rainmeter - http://rainmeter.net/RainCMS/ - Heads Up Display, I use a very small display that fits in the header of a window.

TClock - http://homepage1.nifty.com/kazubon/ - Enhancements for displaying date and time in tray

AutoHotKey - Hotkey manager and script runner

NotePad++ - Text editor - I use it mostly with a syntax file for editing Cisco IOS devices

Roboform - Password manager

Windows Live Mesh - cloud storage

Virtual Clone Drive - mount ISO images as diskdrives

SharpReader - RSS feed reader (I admit I mostly read Aracamax cartoons with it and www.peopleofwalmart.com for a break from the action)

PingInfo View - http://www.nirsoft.net - ping multiple devices simultanously

The Dude - http://www.mikrotik.com/thedude.php - network management graphical tool

7Zip - unzipper

inssider - http://www.metageek.net/products/inssider - displays access points nearby

MyDfrag - http://www.mydefrag.com - defragger

Skype - Video/Audio network communicator/phone

TeraTerm - http://ttssh2.sourceforge.jp - SSH and Telnet tool, customizable - many variations, I like the one in the link provided

Putty - Another SSH and telnet tool

WinDirStat - http://windirstat.info - graphical display of folder sizes

Xmarks - favorites synchronizer between multiple machines and/or multiple browsers on one machine (such as IE and Firefox)

tftp32 - http://tftpd32.jounin.net - TFTP server

Shutter - for my home system.  I use an old XP box for backing you everything and use Wake On Lan to wake it up and Shutter to put back to sleep

Not free:

Xplorer2 Pro - http://www.zabkat.com - Windows Explorer replacement

Rainlendar - http://www.rainlendar.net/cms/index.php - Desktop display of calendar information.  I use it to display upcoming events located in my Outlook calendar


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