ReNamer:Pascal Script:SplitPath

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Find an overview of all build-in functions there >> File Name Utilities.

Here on this page we show you only the needed functions to extract parts
of the file name and how to use them in an PascalScript for ReNamer.

We like to show you this on an example file name

First, there are the always available variables 'FilePath' and 'FileName'
You don't have to declare ('var' / 'dim') or initialize ('var="";') this variables.
Just use them, they are always there for you.

Variable provides
FilePath C:\GreatGrand\GrandParent\ParentFolder\file.ext
FileName file.ext

Use this e.g. like:

  vExt: WideString;
  vExt     := WideExtractFileExt(FilePath);
  FileName := FileName + '.backup' + vExt;

And there are this functions to extract parts:

Function provides
WideExtractFilePath C:\GreatGrand\GrandParent\ParentFolder\
WideExtractFileDir C:\GreatGrand\GrandParent\ParentFolder
WideExtractFileDrive C:\
WideExtractFileName file.ext
WideExtractBaseName file
WideExtractFileExt .ext (dot included)

You can fill an variable with the extracted part first
Use this e.g. like:

  vPath, vDir, vDrive, vName, vBase, vExt, vE: WideString;
  vOUT: WideString; 
  //extract the parts and store them into an var each:
  vPath  := WideExtractFilePath(FilePath);
  vDir   := WideExtractFileDir(FilePath);
  vDrive := WideExtractFileDrive(FilePath);
  vName  := WideExtractFileName(FilePath);
  vBase  := WideExtractBaseName(FilePath);
  vExt   := WideExtractFileExt(FilePath);

  // Test output as MsgBox:
  vOUT  := 'Default build-in vars:'             + #13#10
        + 'FilePath >>> '            + FilePath + #13#10
        + 'FileName >>> '            + FileName + #13#10
        +  #13#10
        + 'Extracted by using functions:'       + #13#10
        + 'WideExtractFileDrive >>> ' + vDrive  + #13#10
        + 'WideExtractFileDir   >>> ' + vDir    + #13#10
        + 'WideExtractFilePath  >>> ' + vPath   + #13#10
        + 'WideExtractFileName  >>> ' + vName   + #13#10
        + 'WideExtractBaseName  >>> ' + vBase   + #13#10
        + 'WideExtractFileExt   >>> ' + vExt;
       ShowMessage( vOUT );

Or just use the function 'on the fly'
Use this e.g. like:

  FileName := FileName + '_backup' + WideExtractFileExt(FilePath);

But this functions didn't gave all possibilities to split an full path into all wanted parts.
You have to know how to handle this functions and/or use own code to achieve what you want.

Here are some code snippets for this issue:

First we show you an 'trick' seen by Denis:
Here we extract the path first "WideExtractFileDir(FilePath)"
and then extract the last part, which is normal the filename, but here the parent folder "WideExtractFileName(...)"

You can even use this trick more then once:
(for our example "C:\GreatGrand\GrandParent\ParentFolder\file.ext")

nested Functions provides
WideExtractFileName(WideExtractFileDir(FilePath)); ParentFolder
WideExtractFileName(WideExtractFileDir(WideExtractFileDir(FilePath))); GrandParent
WideExtractFileName(WideExtractFileDir(WideExtractFileDir(WideExtractFileDir(FilePath)))); GreatGrand

Use this like:

  ParentFolder, GrandParent, GreatGrandParent: WideString;
  ParentFolder     := WideExtractFileName(WideExtractFileDir(FilePath));
  GrandParent      := WideExtractFileName(WideExtractFileDir(WideExtractFileDir(FilePath)));
  GreatGrandParent := WideExtractFileName(WideExtractFileDir(WideExtractFileDir(WideExtractFileDir(FilePath))));
  FileName         := GreatGrandParent + '-' + GrandParent + '-' + ParentFolder + '-' + FileName;

To get the extension without the dot use something like:

 vExt := WideReplaceStr(WideExtractFileExt(FilePath), '.', '');

Or step by step:

  vExt   := WideExtractFileExt(FilePath);
  vExt   := WideReplaceStr( vExt, '.', '');

Here is an another way by splitting the path at the back slash into an array 'Folders':

  Folders: TStringsArray; 
  oldPath, ParentFolder, GrandParentFolder, GrandGrandParentFolder, TopMostFolder, SecondTopMostFolder: WideString;


    // Get parts of the current file path:
  oldPath                := WideExtractFileDir(FilePath);
  Folders                := WideSplitString(oldPath, '\'); 
  TopMostFolder          := Folders[1];
  SecondTopMostFolder    := Folders[2];
  GrandGrandParentFolder := Folders[Length(Folders)-3];
  GrandParentFolder      := Folders[Length(Folders)-2];
  ParentFolder           := Folders[Length(Folders)-1];

  FileName := SecondTopMostFolder + '-' + GrandParent + '-' + ParentFolder + '-' + FileName;

And there is Regular Expression to extract the parts:

  Parent       := ReplaceRegEx(FilePath, '.+\\(.+)\\.+',         '$1', False, True);
  GrandPa      := ReplaceRegEx(FilePath, '.+\\(.+)\\.+\\.+',     '$1', False, True);
  GrandGrandPa := ReplaceRegEx(FilePath, '.+\\(.+)\\.+\\.+\\.+', '$1', False, True);

But note that RegEx is slow by its nature. But then you will see this first for more then thousand files ;-)

And there are Meta Tags to extract e.g. the parent folder

ParentFolder := CalculateMetaTag(FilePath, ':File_FolderName:');

See 'Insert' Rule and click there at 'Insert Meta Tag'

To split file name into parts at an delimiter we can use f.ex.:

E.g. for
"my fav artist - title album song.mp3"
"My Fav Artist - Title album song.mp3"
We split the file name at the dash and then modify the case different for the part before, and the part after the dash.

  Delimiter, Extension, Part1, Part2, Part2Char1, Part2Rest: WideString;
  PosOfDelimiter: Integer;
  Delimiter := '-';
  PosOfDelimiter := Pos(Delimiter, FileName);

  if (PosOfDelimiter > 0) then
       Extension  := WideExtractFileExt(FileName)
       Part1      := WideCopy(WideExtractBaseName(FileName),                 1, PosOfDelimiter -2 );
       Part2      := WideCopy(WideExtractBaseName(FileName), PosOfDelimiter +2, Length(FileName)  );
       Part2Char1 := WideCopy(Part2, 1,      1           );
       Part2Rest  := WideCopy(Part2, 2, Length(Part2) -1 );

       //ShowMessage('Debug: #' + Part1 + '#' + Part2 + '#'  + Part2Char1 + '#' + Part2Rest + '#');

       FileName := WideCaseCapitalize(Part1)
                  + ' ' + Delimiter + ' '
                  + WideUpperCase(Part2Char1) + WideLowerCase(Part2Rest)
                  + WideUpperCase(Extension);