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Replace Rule


This rule removes the specified string from the name and replaces it with another string. It has options to replace the first occurrence, the last occurrence, or all the occurrences. You can replace multiple strings at a time. You can create a pattern with wildcards, so that any string that matches the pattern will be removed.

The parameters are as follows:

Parameter Details
Find Enter the string to be replaced.
  • You can enter multiple strings at a time. Press the + button (or type vertical bar "|") to separate two strings.
  • If the name does not contain the specified string, the rule will not act on it.
  • If the name contains more than one of these strings, it will replace them according to the Occurrences parameter.
PlusButton.png button Press to insert a vertical bar (|) that will separate multiple strings.

This inserts a separator in Replace box also. This means that pairs are replaced (e.g. A -->A', B -->B' etc.) }

Replace Enter strings that will replace the "Find" strings.
  • Note that the quantity of strings (separated with "|") in "Find" and "Replace" boxes should be the same. If there is more strings in the "Find" box than in the "Replace" box the spare strings will be removed (replaced with an empty string). If there is more strings in the "Replace" box, the spare strings will be ignored.
Insert meta tag

ReNamer Insert Meta Tag Button.png

Click the button to see a list of meta-tags.
Occurrences In case that strings occure more than once in the filename, specify which occurrences should be replaced. (Options are: first only, last only, or all)
Skip extension If this check box is selected, the extension will be ignored by the rule.
Case sensitive Will only remove a specified string from the name if the case matches exactly.
Interpret symbols as wild cards The following wild cards are allowed (compare with RegEx).
Represents Example
any number of characters (including numbers, space, underscores, etc.). abc* equals abc followed by 0 or more characters.
Any single character (including numbers, space, underscores, etc.) ab?d equals abcd, ab1d, ab d, ab_d, etc.
Brackets enclose a set of characters, any one of which may match a single character at that position. foo[ab]ar equals fooaar and foobar
(only within a pair of brackets) denotes a range of characters. foo[a-z]ar equals fooaar, foobar, foocar, foodar, etc.