#1 2006-12-18 10:56

Registered: 2006-12-18
Posts: 3

CPUMon 1.5 loses settings

Fantastic CPU monitoring program. Right up there with "DUMeter" which monitors bandwidth over the network card(s).

The only grizzle I could have is that the program does not remember its settings. Each time the PC starts I'm back to all the default settings. This is a bit of a hassle; changing all the colours and hiding the bar graph. I know it seems trivial - but we have all come to accept that programs remember their settings.

The other minor thing is that it forgets where it was on the screen too. I leave it bottom right of monitor #2, and each boot it's on Monitor one; top(ish) and left(ish) on screen #1.

If I minimise it to the system tray it always reappears at the bottom left of monitor #2.

Please keep working on this product! It's great - and when you have fixed these minor irritations, I will donate. smile

Thanks again: Chris.

Last edited by Mobius (2006-12-18 11:26)


#2 2006-12-19 19:04

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,435

Re: CPUMon 1.5 loses settings

Hi Mobius! smile

There was (until recently) the same problem with Shutter, due to some strange ways of doing things in Windows and Delphi. You can have a look at that topic here: Shutter ini file.

Anyway, back to your problem. Try downloading the latest development version: CPUMonBeta.zip. I could not reproduce your problem with the latest version. Can you clarify that the problem still exist? Try unpacking CPUMon Beta to a different folder, and check that CPUMon.ini gets created when you open and then close the program. Tell me how it goes, ok?


#3 2006-12-22 08:38

Registered: 2006-12-18
Posts: 3

Re: CPUMon 1.5 loses settings


Your BETA is absolutely STUNNING!

It is, without a doubt, the single best monitoring tool on the 'net.

I'll be taking advantage of your Paypal account.

Best regards, and a very merry Christmas.


#4 2006-12-29 12:20

Registered: 2006-12-18
Posts: 3

Re: CPUMon 1.5 loses settings

Hey, it's strange because the Beta decided that after a few reboots, that it would forget the settings again - not all of them, just the bar graph, text colour and window width.

No problem though; I hacked the .ini file, and made it Read-Only, so now it starts correctly.

Only remaining issue is that it seems to "ignore" my "X-Position" setting. I have it set for 2560 - Width (280 pixels) - but it always opens on the far LEFT of Monitor #2, instead of the far right. But I can live with this, because it means I know if the machine has rebooted without ny express permission.

I still give that app 9.8/10 - so that's a good thing!

Thoroughly recommended. Two Thumbs Up.


#5 2007-01-10 02:39

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,435

Re: CPUMon 1.5 loses settings

Sorry for such a late reply, I've been away for last 2 weeks. As I said before, your problem is associated with the way in which Windows XP is shutting down, as described in this topic: Shutter INI file. Unfortunately, I don't have any free time right now, but I will look into this issue more carefully in the future.

I'm glad that you have found a workaround! smile


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