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Hasher 4.2

1 month ago

Hasher 4.2 has been released. Summary of changes: Upgraded the build environment for improved support of newer platforms and other optimizations. Updated language files: Corsican, German, Russian, Turkish. See the full changelog between versions 4.1 and 4.2 for more details.

Resizer 2.2

2 months ago

Resizer 2.2 has been released. Summary of changes: Upgraded the build environment for improved support of newer platforms and other optimizations. Improved the identification of the system language and the options for overriding it. Added Simplified Chinese, Korean and German language files. Updated...

Shutter 4.7

8 months ago

Shutter 4.7 has been released. Summary of changes: Added an event for detecting the full screen mode. Unicode support for retrieving the logged in user name, enumerating processes and killing processes. Replaced time input controls. Avoid potential negative values. Replaced numeric input controls. O...

ReNamer 7.5

1 year ago

ReNamer 7.5 has been released. Highlights of changes: Added new features to the Regular Expressions engine: named groups, non-capturing groups, atomic groups, lookaround (positive and negative), possessive quantifier and Unicode categories. Added an option to remove duplicate extensions. Added IPTC_...

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Adding Renamer to Context Menu and or to SendTo
Hi, some minutes ago I tested your recommendation with success. Thx for helping me and I think, after some mor...
Kratzbürste 5 days ago

Adding Renamer to Context Menu and or to SendTo
Hi, thx for fast answer. I will try your suggestions tomorrow. Best regards Kratzbürste
Kratzbürste 6 days ago

Adding Renamer to Context Menu and or to SendTo
You have several options for adding ReNamer to the context menu. Main menu > Settings > Miscellaneous > Add to...
den4b 6 days ago

Adding Renamer to Context Menu and or to SendTo
Hi All! Concerning my request written in Subject line, last entry was made in June 2020. Since than 4 years ar...
Kratzbürste 6 days ago

Any option or setting to highlight only-changed part of File Name?
There is no option to highlight only the changed part of the filename, but we'll note that as a feature reques...
den4b 13 days ago

Any option or setting to highlight only-changed part of File Name?
I am very much exited to use ReNamer. I have been using it for over a year. I find option in settings to 'High...
dillu 14 days ago

FirstLast -> LastFirst
Works perfectly. Many thanks! :)
chapyl 17 days ago
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on!
— Franklin D. Roosevelt