#1 2006-10-15 11:01

Registered: 2006-10-15
Posts: 3

How to append new suffix?

Hi Denis!

I've been using ReNamer for only one day, and so far, it's terrific! I've renamed a number of my newer files with no problems (after a little experimentation).

However, I'm having a problem renaming a lot of my older files. For example:

badface01f.jpg, etc.

I would like to remove the letters a, b, c, d, e, f, etc., from the 10th position from the left (or 1st position from the right), and replace them with serialized counters in this fashion:

badface01_06.jpg, etc.

I've tried various methods to no avail. Any suggestions? My thanks in advance for any solution you, or any member, may have!


#2 2006-10-15 14:23

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,420

Re: How to append new suffix?

Hi TotalBozo!

Here are the steps you have to do:

1) Add your files and sort by Name column (left-click on the column header);
2) Delete from position one until count reaches 1 (right-to-left, skip extension);
3) Insert "_" as suffix (skip extension);
4) Serialize incremental from index 1 and step 1, pad to length 2, as suffix (skip extension).

Below is the screenshot of how it should look like:



#3 2006-10-15 22:10

Registered: 2006-10-15
Posts: 3

Re: How to append new suffix?

Thanks, Denis! Your solution works wonderfully for any particular single series of images I wish to rename. However, I failed to explain myself completely. My bad.

I have multiple series of images in my badface file. For example (items in bold for emphasis only):

badface04a.jpg. etc.

In all instances, I would like the suffix a to become _01, suffix b to become _02, suffix c to become _03, etc. For example:

badface04_01.jpg. etc.

I would like to re-suffix all of my badface files simultaneously, without having to load each series of images separately (that is, loading badface01 series and renaming them, then loading badface02 series pics, renaming those, then loading another series, etc.).

Am I able to rename multiple series of images thusly with this program? Thanks in advance (again)

Plus, after renaming a particular group of images, it seems I must quit the program and start it again in order to clear the renaming field so I can load more images to be renamed. Is there any way I can clear that field and load more pics without having to quit the program? Thanks again!

BTW, this program has already save me about a month's worth of time renaming my newer files (which were already suffixed _01, _02, _03, etc.). I am pleased with it in that respect already! And so far, it's proven so much easier to use than any other renaming program I've tried.


#4 2006-10-16 19:27

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,420

Re: How to append new suffix?

I have good news for you - it is possible, but requires few tricks! big_smile

Did you see the "reset if folder changes" option, in the Incremental Serialization? Now, if you put those badface01* files into badface01\badface01*, and badface02* into badface02\badface02* , and so on... that option will do the entire job for you! Here comes even better news: there was a topic in which exactly the same operation has been described, and successfully used for putting groups of files into the folders that were constructed from the file names: "Make folder name from first (n) digits, and move files into folders".

Try combining these 2 techniques, and tell me how it goes, ok?


#5 2006-10-21 03:43

Registered: 2006-10-15
Posts: 3

Re: How to append new suffix?


Sorry about the delay in responding. I was without electricity for more than a day mad , and the rest of the time I've been busy with work.

Anyway, I figured out what I needed to do to rename the files, and how to do it. It involved repeating the same Replace command 26 times.

Replace last a with _01

Replace last b with _02

Replace last c with _03

Replace last d with _04 ... etc., until Replace last z with _26

(In my old filename system, I rarely ever had more than 26 files in a series, and the series for which I did have more than 26 files, I had already renamed them in this "_01, _02" fashion).

I should have figured this out this solution before posting my question! roll

This solution worked wonderfully for me. I even managed to add a couple of rules for those series for which I needed new "titles" (for example, BadBreath01a needed to be OMG01_01, so the first rule became Replace first BadBreath with $, followed by the series of rules listed earlier, with the final rule added as Replace first $ with OMG.

I still have to close the program and re-open it to load more files. And because of that, I'd like to try your solution, since it looks simpler than mine (despite the fact I've saved my renaming rules). I'll have to hunt for the topic, however, since the link doesn't seem to work (I've sent a private e-mail to you about that already).

TotalBozo big_smile


#6 2006-10-22 01:59

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,420

Re: How to append new suffix?

Glad that you found a workaround your-self! Sorry about the confusion with not working URLs. It is only because I have recently changed my domain. From: www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~den4b To: www.den4b.com

So in the link that I gave you, replace the domain part to get: http://www.den4b.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=116. I've updated the link, try again... Tell me how you'll like my solution, ok? smile

P.S. "I still have to close the program and re-open it to load more files"  Why ???


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