#1 2017-11-21 21:59

Registered: 2016-05-08
Posts: 81

Default behavior for adding folders

I think this is a common question, shouldn't be answered by Menu+Dialog-box.
I suggest to make a button in Menu bar (or making Buttons bar for common tasks), will work like this:
When the user drag Folders to Renamer, just the folders will be added to the list ("Add folders as files").
Then, if the user doesn't want folders but files, the user will press this special button, to replace the folders in list to files ("Add files within folders"+"Include subfolders").
You can make another Advanced Button for getting to the Dialog-Box.


#2 2017-12-11 14:21

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,420

Re: Default behavior for adding folders

When the user drag Folders to Renamer, just the folders will be added to the list ("Add folders as files").

This goes against the current design, where the current setup of filters dictates how added folders are handled.

It would be better to (optionally) display the filters dialog when folders are added, were user would be able to specify how to add that particular batch.


#3 2017-12-11 19:05

Registered: 2016-05-08
Posts: 81

Re: Default behavior for adding folders

It would be better to (optionally) display the filters dialog when folders are added, were user would be able to specify how to add that particular batch.

In this case, the user will be asked in each time. I think it will be more annoying than place folders in list by default, and then in a case the user wants the content of the folders, to hit a botton or shortcut (or other solution).


#4 2017-12-14 00:31

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,420

Re: Default behavior for adding folders

Stamimail wrote:

In this case, the user will be asked in each time.

No, there would be an option to never show it again.

Stamimail wrote:

I think it will be more annoying than place folders in list by default, and then in a case the user wants the content of the folders, to hit a button or shortcut (or other solution).

That would be changing the default behavior of handling folders just to suit your needs. In that case, every other user would get a nasty surprise the next time they add folders, expecting for them to be handled according to the existing filters, which is how it has always worked.

On contrary, the new filters dialog could be shown on demand when a special key is being held down when new files/folders are added.


#5 2017-12-14 08:34

Registered: 2016-05-08
Posts: 81

Re: Default behavior for adding folders

In that case, every other user would get a nasty surprise the next time they add folders, expecting for them to be handled according to the existing filters, which is how it has always worked.

So we need to find solution how to makes it without surprise.
I just think this method will save more time and clicks for all users.


#6 2018-01-19 14:30

Registered: 2018-01-19
Posts: 17

Re: Default behavior for adding folders

Прив, Ден. Ant Renamer has a nice option dialog for this:
AntRen window on add files-n-dirs DnD event
The same options is doubled in the Settings window.
AntRenamer Options window, File-and-Folders tab
[img=http://www.den4b.com/forum/img/members/4277/screenshot_4008.png]AntRenamer Options window, File-and-Folders tab[/img]

PS. Omg, the site prnt.sc started to output my screens in data:image/png;base64,.. container in spite of direct file (against hotlink), so I need to replace old screenshot over here.
AntRen window on add files-n-dirs event

PPS. Now I can't insert a pic from my uploads. It does not save my uploaded files, I tried for 2 times with both screen captures.

Last edited by Cleoss (2019-09-24 12:45)


#7 2018-01-23 19:11

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,420

Re: Default behavior for adding folders

Cleoss wrote:

Ant Renamer has a nice option dialog for this

Yes, that is along the lines of what is planned for ReNamer.

ReNamer's filter settings are a bit more extensive, which might overwhelm the users who just want the add the dropped files as is.

So the question is whether to show all of the filter settings, or just a subset?


Last edited by den4b (2018-01-23 19:13)


#8 2018-05-24 18:31

Registered: 2018-05-24
Posts: 1

Re: Default behavior for adding folders

Thanks for developing the program, however, this has been my greatest irritant so far.

In the normal process, a user is in a file manager of choice, selects files or folder to rename, then realize that they have to open the app first to select whether they want exclude the root directory. Processing one batch may not be too much of a bother but after the third batch that requires a change of the filters, i am ready to pull my hair out. Aarrgh! :-)

It would be of immense value, not to mention prudence, to have the filters dialog pop-up when new files/dirs are added. At the very least, give the user the option. (And) Yes, the full dialog, new user will learn to appreciate it after a while.

Again, thanks for your efforts.

Last edited by jackpots (2018-05-24 18:32)


#9 2019-09-24 03:29

Registered: 2018-01-19
Posts: 17

Re: Default behavior for adding folders

den4b wrote:
Cleoss wrote:

Ant Renamer has a nice option dialog for this

So the question is whether to show all of the filter settings, or just a subset?

In Ant Renamer (which is present in PortableApps catalog too) this dialog pops up each time I drag-n-drop files to it, unless I will check on the option 'Always do so'. Also Ant has an option in its Settings to reset this behaviour to default one (show this dialog each time). As for me, it looks a bit strange if I use an app for the 1st time and it doesn't ask me what to do with my files (include folders or not, either use recursive search or not, so on). The other thing is that "Filters" button is slightly hard to find in the entire interface, among other buttons and menus.

If I would be a creator of this app lol perhaps I'd place some checkboxes strictly on the main form into one line:

✔ files | ❎ folders | ✅ recursively (subfoldz) || ⚪ use last used rules (for current conversion) ⏪ | ⚪ use previously used rules pack (restore it) ⏩

or even would used few icons instead of words (if I think this important line takes a lot of space in GUI, and thus I'll add textplanations in popups on mouseover). Sometimes we need to rename folders only and their whole structure. It would be great if user could decide which buttons of which size he'll put on any of the floating toolbars (vert/horiz/docked). For user's comfort tambien all conversions types can be illustrated with examples that are according to the first file (includes it) of a user files' selection.


#10 2019-09-24 13:22

Registered: 2018-01-19
Posts: 17

Re: Default behavior for adding folders

Sorry, but I can't update my post here. My uploaded picture doesn't neither show nor load up.

Cleoss wrote:


Maybe this is 'cause of the post is too ancient to be edited or some other limitations?


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