#1 2014-09-04 11:50

Registered: 2014-09-02
Posts: 10

Suggested enhancement to support for .eml and .msg metadata tags

For some reason most bulk file renaming products do not support email metadata tags.

ReNamer stands out from the crowd in supporting both .eml and .msg metadata.

This is a suggestion to enhance ReNamer support for email metadata to make it even better.

In any email you have the following metadata:

Sender Name – e.g. John Smith (the sender does not have to specify a name so this may be absent)
Sender Email Address – e.g. jsmith@gmail.com (this will always be present)

Recipient Name – e.g. Jane Jones (the sender doe snot have to specify a name so this may be absent)
Recipient Email Address – e.g. jjones@gmail.com (this will always be present)

Of course there can be more than one recipient so there would be Recipient Name/Email Address pairs for each recipient.

Suggested enhanced support for .eml

At the moment, Renamer supports these metadata tags for .eml


The tag Email_Sender uses this format “John Smith” <jsmith@gmail.com>   
Or this format  <jsmith@gmail.com>  if there is no Sender Name

My suggestion to enhance Renamer support for .eml tags would be to add four new tags:

Email_Sender_Address    which would contain e.g. jsmith@gmail.com
Email_Sender_Name          which would contain e.g. John Smith
Email_Recipient_Address    which would contain e.g. jjones@gmail.com; pbloggs@gmail.com
Email_Recipient_Name    which would contain e.g. John Smith; Peter Bloggs

Sender Name may be absent in some emails and, in that case, I would suggest that the sender email address should be used instead in Email_Sender_Name

Likewise one or more recipient names may be absent in which case I would suggest that, where the name is missing, the recipient email address should be used instead in Email_Recipient_Name

Suggested enhanced support for .msg

At the moment, Renamer supports these metadata tags for .msg


The tag Outlook_Sender uses this format jsmith@gmail.com   

My suggestion to enhance Renamer support for .msg tags would be to add four new tags:

Outlook_Sender_Address            which would contain e.g. jsmith@gmail.com
Outlook_Sender_Name            which would contain e.g. John Smith
Outlook_Recipient_Address            which would contain e.g. jjones@gmail.com; pbloggs@gmail.com
Outlook_Recipient_Name          which would contain e.g. John Smith; Peter Bloggs

Sender Name may be absent in some emails and, in that case, I would suggest that the sender email address should be used instead in Outlook_Sender_Name

Likewise one or more recipient names may be absent in which case I would suggest that, where the name is missing, the recipient email address should be used instead in Outlook_Recipient_Name


#2 2014-09-18 10:12

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,393

Re: Suggested enhancement to support for .eml and .msg metadata tags

Thank you for the detailed description.

Your suggestion has been added to the list of future enhancements.


#3 2016-09-03 21:21

Registered: 2014-09-02
Posts: 10

Re: Suggested enhancement to support for .eml and .msg metadata tags

Is my suggestion getting near the top of the list yet? smile


#4 2016-09-06 00:09

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,393

Re: Suggested enhancement to support for .eml and .msg metadata tags

jjantell wrote:

Is my suggestion getting near the top of the list yet? smile

It is getting there. I'll check if it can make it into the next release.


#5 2016-09-09 23:14

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,393

Re: Suggested enhancement to support for .eml and .msg metadata tags

It didn't make it into 6.6 as it was already getting out of the door.

The good news is that it will be part of the next release for sure. Keep an eye on the latest development version for an early access.


#6 2016-09-13 16:24

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,393

Re: Suggested enhancement to support for .eml and .msg metadata tags

More meta tags were added in ReNamer Beta:
* Added Email_* meta tags: MessageID, SenderName, SenderEmail, Recipients, Recipient, RecipientName, RecipientEmail.
* Added Outlook_* meta tags: SenderName, SenderEmail, Recipients, Recipient, RecipientName, RecipientEmail.


#7 2016-09-21 21:53

Registered: 2014-09-02
Posts: 10

Re: Suggested enhancement to support for .eml and .msg metadata tags

Looks good but can I suggest one thing.

Every email has a sender email address and most (but not all) emails have a sender name. Most people like to display the sender name and not the email address BUT if the sender name is absent then, of course, they want to display the email address as the next best thing. So my suggestion would be that if the sender name is absent then SenderName should not be set to null but should be set to the same as SenderEmail. Likewise with RecipientName.


#8 2016-11-22 17:45

Registered: 2014-09-02
Posts: 10

Re: Suggested enhancement to support for .eml and .msg metadata tags

If anyone is interested I have found a way of achieving this with the beta product as is using three replace steps as follows:

Replace       **            with            :Email_DateSent: Email from :Email_SenderName: to :Email_RecipientName:
Replace      to .eml    with            to :Email_RecipientEmail:.eml                       skip extension not ticked
Replace      from   to       with             from :Email_SenderEmail: to


#9 2016-11-22 22:41

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,393

Re: Suggested enhancement to support for .eml and .msg metadata tags

jjantell wrote:

If anyone is interested I have found a way of achieving this...

Good job on working it out!

It might be better if you paste the exact rules descriptions using a built-in method.

Right-click on the rules table, select "Export to Clipboard".


#10 2016-11-23 12:00

Registered: 2014-09-02
Posts: 10

Re: Suggested enhancement to support for .eml and .msg metadata tags

1) Replace: Replace using wildcards "**" with ":Email_DateSent: from :Email_SenderName: to :Email_RecipientName:" (skip extension)
2) Replace: Replace all "from  to" with "from :Email_SenderEmail: to" (skip extension)
3) Replace: Replace using wildcards "to .eml" with "to :Email_RecipientEmail:.eml"


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