#11 2019-12-14 18:43

Registered: 2019-12-14
Posts: 1

Re: Suggested enhancement to support for .eml and .msg metadata tags

Harnessing the email metadata tags for both .eml and .msg files are superb.  Great to have found this tool!

This is a further suggestion to for a user to opt in choosing only the First Name and/or Last Name of the Sender/Recipient.

For example:
SenderFirstName: John
SenderLastName: Smith

On another note, is there currently a way to select only the first initial or "position" of the first character of the Sender/Recipient and retain the entire last name?

For example:
SenderFirstNameInitial: J
SenderLastName: Smith


#12 2019-12-15 19:13

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,393

Re: Suggested enhancement to support for .eml and .msg metadata tags

John27 wrote:

This is a further suggestion to for a user to opt in choosing only the First Name and/or Last Name of the Sender/Recipient.

For example:
SenderFirstName: John
SenderLastName: Smith

On another note, is there currently a way to select only the first initial or "position" of the first character of the Sender/Recipient and retain the entire last name?

For example:
SenderFirstNameInitial: J
SenderLastName: Smith

There is no straight forward way to implement this in ReNamer as separate meta tags, because the format of the name found in the email is absolutely arbitrary. The sender and recipient is a plain text field, so you can find there "John Smith" or "Smith John" or "J Smith" or "J.S." or pretty much any arbitrary text.

However, you can handle this logic using separate rules based on the specific format of name used in your emails. For example, let's assume that the name from your emails always appear as "John Smith". Insert the meta tag with some kind of delimiters to help you manipulate it further, such as "[John Smith]". Use the Regular Expressions rule to reformat it according to your needs.


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