#1 2024-08-25 01:25

Registered: 2024-08-25
Posts: 7

How to add .spr file as 'profile'?

Hello All,  I'm trying to follow some directions to stop some HP processes.

The directions gave me some code to paste into a text, then save it as a .spr file.    Then the directions say 'Just copy / paste the following code in a text .txt file, save it, and rename the extension to .spr
Then load this profile in Shutter, and minimize it to a Tray icon (in the Prefs you can also hide this Tray icon if needed)
Hope this helps!

I've looked all through the app for somewhere to "add a profile" and I can't find it anywhere.    How do I get this code into Shutter?


#2 2024-08-25 11:40

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,463

Re: How to add .spr file as 'profile'?

In the main menu, go to Presets » Browse to open the folder where the presets are stored.

Then simply copy your *.spr files to that location.

If you already had the Shutter open, then you'll need to reload the list of available presets via Presets » Rescan.

For the installer version, the Presets folder should be located here:


Note that it is not recommended to edit *.spr files by hand. You should use Shutter's interface to create your presets.


#3 2024-08-25 15:28

Registered: 2024-08-25
Posts: 7

Re: How to add .spr file as 'profile'?

Thank you for that.....    My Shutter Lite has the browse option greyed out,  rescan doesnt seem to do anything.  I did find the folder though,  Im going to load my .spr file in there and see what happens. Thank you, let me know if thats the correct way

Update:  Ok, my .spr file went into that presets folder and browse lit up, and when I click the file, a window opens it up and shows the code.

Is that the last step or do I need to set up an event to get it to activate? Thank you for the help

Last edited by Marco2112 (2024-08-25 15:35)


#4 2024-08-25 19:56

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,463

Re: How to add .spr file as 'profile'?

Marco2112 wrote:

My Shutter Lite has the browse option greyed out, rescan doesnt seem to do anything.

That happens when there were no presets found during the last scan. You can save a dummy preset to enable the Browse option.

In the coming version we'll add a dedicated Import option for adding external preset files. It should simplify things.

Marco2112 wrote:

Is that the last step or do I need to set up an event to get it to activate?

Once you see your preset file in the Presets menu, you can load it into Shutter and activate it, i.e. start monitoring events and/or executing actions.


#5 2024-08-28 15:34

Registered: 2024-08-25
Posts: 7

Re: How to add .spr file as 'profile'?

Thank you for all of this. That final answer got me in the game. Quick and clear, I very much appreciated your time!! I will reccomend this.


#6 2024-09-08 15:26

Registered: 2024-08-25
Posts: 7

Re: How to add .spr file as 'profile'?

Hey Den, if your still around....    Under status, in the Events window,  everything is listed as "not yet checked" and never changes, is that right, or is there something more I need to do?


#7 2024-09-09 00:12

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,463

Re: How to add .spr file as 'profile'?

Marco2112 wrote:

Under status, in the Events window,  everything is listed as "not yet checked" and never changes, is that right, or is there something more I need to do?

Have you started the monitoring of events by clicking the big "Start" button?

Can you provide a screenshot?


#8 2024-09-12 14:39

Registered: 2024-08-25
Posts: 7

Re: How to add .spr file as 'profile'?

Sorry for the delayed response times,    Yep, I have hit start,   heres a screenshot.   Sorry its the minimized version.


#9 2024-09-13 10:13

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,463

Re: How to add .spr file as 'profile'?

The Process event performs the check every N seconds, as configured in each event instance.

Once you start the monitoring, the event will show "Not yet checked" status while it's waiting for N seconds to pass before performing the first check.

If you want to start checking your processes sooner, you can lower the polling interval. The current default value is 5 seconds.


#10 2024-09-13 15:12

Registered: 2024-08-25
Posts: 7

Re: How to add .spr file as 'profile'?

I think mine is supposed to be set for 30 seconds.   But it stays saying not checked yet, no matter how long its up, maybe something wasnt entered correctly


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