#11 2008-06-02 11:06

Registered: 2007-05-08
Posts: 33

Re: blue screen through network in vista

Andrew wrote:

Sounds like Norton being a bloated PITA again! roll My advice? Ditch it and get something that will provide better protection (i.e. less false positives) with a tenth of the resource usage.

yeah.. and get a blue screen of death is VERY bad....
by the way, I used symantec endpoint poretession 11.097.xxx and I upgrade to 11.2000 (MR2) and the problem is fixed! so the key thing, when you click on "update" or "upgrade" it only update the defenation, it doesn't update the software. just FYI.


#12 2008-06-02 22:31

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: blue screen through network in vista

A little off the topic.... To be honest, I would drop any of those *cough* crappy *cough* symantec/norton products. They should be embaraced for the stuff they make (and are trying to sell), it is completely useless. But this is just my opinion about their products.


#13 2008-06-02 22:45

Registered: 2007-05-08
Posts: 33

Re: blue screen through network in vista

yeah. totally agree. I think norton is not the best antivirus software anymore either since long time ago.  but company wants us to protect from VPN connection so company pay for the license fee of that...

I have tried Avira and it is powerful! it can pick up what norton cannot pick up and it picks up the website virus (worm) too!! they provide personal premium for free to Nov 2008. so try it out if you are looking for antivirus (spyware, trojan...etc) software.  but one of may machines is running windows 2003 to test services products so hard to find the antivirus software to work with server type of OS.

but for real, if you have a choice of antivirus software, don't use those... their custmer services is not that great either.


#14 2008-06-03 05:12

Senior Member
Registered: 2008-05-22
Posts: 542

Re: blue screen through network in vista

I highly recommend Eset Nod32 AV. Not very many people have heard of this one even though it is a stellar product that for years now has consistently outperformed all other bloated Symantec/Norton, CA, McAfee etc. products. IMO, a program has no business loading massive amounts of crap on my system and making it crawl so much. I paid good money for a quad core, darn it, and not a 386! roll Nod32 does does its job and stays out of my face, has minimum false positives, small but regular updates etc. The good features are too many to detail here... That's why I dumped Norton 3-4 years ago (I was a huge supporter of Symantec products earlier from the good ol' DOS days) and moved to Nod32. Haven't regretted my decision one bit, I'm extremely happy to say, and advocate it to everyone I meet.

Best part about it is that just like Denis' programs here, Nod32 is awesomely small and lightweight (you won't even be able to tell that it's installed) and a superb performer. We need more of such programs around rather than the bloatware that companies foist on unwitting and helpless customers nowadays. hmm

Avira PersonalEdition is a good free alternative and so is AVG, though their detection rates are not as good as Nod32 or even Kaspersky (which is heavier in terms of resource usage).

P.S. Disclaimer: I don't work for Eset! wink It's just that when it comes to recommending programs to others, I naturally mention those that have impressed me the most. Just as I now heartily recommend programs like ReNamer etc. to others! smile

Last edited by Andrew (2008-06-03 05:14)


#15 2008-06-03 23:07

Senior Member
From: Земун, Србија
Registered: 2008-01-23
Posts: 355

Re: blue screen through network in vista

I'm using Kaspersky Anti Virus 7.

Earlier, I used KAV 5 and he shows more viruses than KAV 7. Strange but true...
Good one, but he uses too much CPU resources when he scans "My computer" or files individualy.
Anyway, there's no other major objections.

I heard of Nod32, but I didn't have chance or reason to use it. I heard romours that he is in rang with KAV: detection, ease of use, also heard that uses less CPU resources which Andrew mentioned metaphoricly...

Just to mention Avast, he is also popular, especially in Serbia because it's free.

It have a voice alarm (Serbian version) when he detects a virus or similar malware which is unusual and it is good gest of that company... smile

Last edited by eR@SeR (2008-06-03 23:08)

TRUTH, FREEDOM, JUSTICE and FATHERLAND are the highest morale values which human is born, lives and dies for!


#16 2008-06-08 15:00

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: blue screen through network in vista

I use Kaspersky too, and loving it! big_smile

Never had a single virus related problem on my computer!


#17 2008-06-09 03:54

Registered: 2007-05-08
Posts: 33

Re: blue screen through network in vista

I used NOD32, Kaspersky, and syamatec endpoint before in different computers. they are networked so if something wrong, one doens't pick up, another program may pickup. However, my friend use my computer one day with his USB drive. afterwards, my computer acted so weird. nothing was found by three software so I trace registery run, startup...etc, I found KIVO.exe just come back by itself so I found that's the virus doens't pickup by all antivirus software. then I tried Avira, supprice me, it uses less resouces than Kaspersky and it picks up other virus/worm/trojan in my computers! so one of my computer switch to Avira now. every month, I also use Trend housecall online scan to scan too.  housecall is great too, free and no installation really needed (Java or activex). that's what I learn, never just trust one antivirus software. hope this informaiton is helpful.


#18 2008-06-09 17:47

Senior Member
Registered: 2008-05-22
Posts: 542

Re: blue screen through network in vista

bobyang wrote:

that's what I learn, never just trust one antivirus software. hope this informaiton is helpful.

Yes, that's something that most of us know (or should know at least)... Nothing's infallible in this world, least of all anti-virus/anti-spyware packages! It is a constant cat and mouse game being played between the security software creators and the malware creators, so no one single security software can say that it is able to remove 100% of malware at any given point of time. All we can do is select the software that has the least false positives with the highest detection rate of "in the wild" malware samples. Low resource usage, easy configurability etc. are bonuses that are naturally good to have as well.

However bobyang, you seem to be lucky in that you have a network with different softwares installed on different machines. Most of us aren't so lucky. We have just one or two systems, and even if they're networked, we can't afford multiple security softwares (unless we use only the free ones of course). Also, if we have only standalone systems, then we obviously cannot load multiple security softwares on them.


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