#1 2006-05-05 11:24

From: USA
Registered: 2006-04-28
Posts: 45

ReNamer - sort by extension

Atop the botom pane is a 'sort' button.  Please consider adding an option to sort by extension.  This will be useful for those operations where I've selected several directories from within explorer and launched ReNamer from the context menu .... when I really only am interested in renaming the mpg files.

I don't consider this redundant to the context menu of ReNamer 'Select by extension'.


#2 2006-05-06 22:13

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,463

Re: ReNamer - sort by extension

Are you sure you want that option?

I do find it a bit redundant, since you can use Select by Extension or Select by Mask, then invert the selection and remove all items that don't match your extension/mask (i.e. MPG). Alternatively, you can add those folders via the "Add Folder" dialog, where you can specify the Mask for files that you want to add from the selected folder.


#3 2006-05-09 16:08

From: USA
Registered: 2006-04-28
Posts: 45

Re: ReNamer - sort by extension

Denis Kozlov wrote:

, since you can use Select by Extension or Select by Mask, then invert the selection and remove all items that don't match your extension/mask

yeah, I did that today.  I especially like the :File_FolderName: -- it makes renaming eepisodes easier.   Too bad that selection procedure cannot be saved as some kind of procedure-preset.  But I think that just goes back to the previously mentioned bloat.  I'll go with practice makes faster. wink

Denis Kozlov wrote:

alternatively, you can add those folders via the "Add Folder" dialog, where you can specify the Mask for files that you want to add from the selected folder.

spiffy!  thanks.  big_smile


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