#11 2010-02-02 21:11

Senior Member
From: Земун, Србија
Registered: 2008-01-23
Posts: 355

Re: Redesign About dialogs, your opinions?

It's same for me. Maybe Bordered dialog would be better since Boxed one take needed space for information.

den4b wrote:

Maybe all links to sites should go into the menu items?

Web, Forum, Wiki, License, Donation.

I wouldn't touch Web, since it's general information as Email. Forum, Wiki, License (misspelled in Draft!) could go in menu but if is not necessary i.e. if you find a space in about dialog you can put them there. About Donation...hmmm, well it's important but looking other free tools it's not in about dialog...you decide hmm

SafetyCar wrote:

About the changelog

Better approach IMO would be:

[+] Added, New
(*) Improved/Modified, Updated, Changed and similar...
(*) Is used/replaced cause forum doesn't recognize it!
[-] Fixed


ReNamer 5.50 (3 May 2009)
[+] Added date-time offset functions: IncDay, IncHour, IncMinute, IncSecond, etc;
[+] Added 24 new binary signatures, making a total of 93 records;
[+] Removed error message when applying extension detection rule in analyze dialog;
[+] Add 2 AVI helper tags: AVI_Duration and AVI_WidthAndHeight;
[+] Added 4 Meta tags for Outlook Messages: ID, DateSent, Subject, Sender;
[+] Added ShellOpenFile() function to open files via ShellExecute API;
[+] Added "Insert after the current name" option to UserInput rule;
[+] Text in "Go To Line" dialog is added to resource strings;
[+] Analyze dialog now has line number and position from left and right;
[+] Added "Files" button above files table which brings up its popup menu;
[+] Added "-" (hyphen) to the CleanUp rule;
(*) Updated PascalScript component to the latest SVN from 11 November 2008;
(*) Updated Virtual Treeview component to v4.7.0;
(*) Updated hashing functions to use Fundamentals Hashing unit v3.06;
(*) Reset Unicode flag for the manual filename editor in the files table;
(*) Updated binary signatures for FLV/SWF and MP3 files;
(*) Showing of non-main forms always centered is made optional;
(*) Changed format of Audio_Duration tag from "Xm Xs" to "X.XX";
(*) AVI and HASH tags can be read from Unicode filenames;
(*) Another type of apostrophe is added to Case rule: Acute Accent 0x00B4;
(*) Fragments in the Case rule are replaced as Whole Words only;
(*) Delimiter for fragments is changed from space to comma;
(*) Speeded up generation of random numbers in Serialize rule;
(*) Unnecessary fields are automatically disabled in Serialize rule;
(*) Tab characters in PascalScript statements are replaced with spaces;
(*) Improved exception handling for several dialogs;
(*) Updated French and added Bulgarian translit file;
(*) Corrected behaviour of "No" action in the meta tags confirmation dialog;
(*) Corrected ambiguous Kb/Mb/Gb to KB/MB/GB;
(*) Enhanced main icon using vector graphics;
(*) Rearranged file menus and options;
(*) Core code optimizations and cleanup;
[-] Fixed incorrectly adjusted time zone by the Email_DateSent tag;
[-] Translit Alphabets will handle UTF-8 BOM correctly;
[-] Correctly handle renaming when user adds trailing path delimiters to new name;
[-] Auto preview on change of rules will not trigger on change of unmarked rules;
[-] All relative "." and ".." directories within new path are resolved;
[-] Corrected few typos;

...or Winamp's approach

Winamp 5.571
* New: MPEG-4 video support for in_mp4 & in_flv (Winamp Pro only)
* New: [in_avi] Native AVI video support (MPEG-4 = Winamp Pro only)
* New: [in_mkv] Matroska MKV video support (MPEG-4 = Winamp Pro only)
* New: [ml_addons] Browser for discovering new skins & plugins
* New: Winamp detection browser plugins for IE & Firefox
* Improved: Direct3D video rendering
* Improved: Filetype association handling on Vista & Windows 7
* Improved: New fullscreen video OSD
* Improved: Added ReplayGain Preamp control to Prefs (previously .ini only)
* Improved: VU meter (beat vis) optimizations
* Improved: [gen_ff] Multithreaded <AlbumArt/> object
* Improved: [in_flac/in_vorbis] Tag support for Organization field as Publisher
* Improved: [in_flv] AAC, aacPlus & ADPCM audio support in FLV files
* Improved: [in_mp4] Support for aacPlus parametric stereo in mp4 container
* Improved: [in_nsv] Native h.264 decoding (Winamp Pro only)
* Improved: [in_wave] Unicode filename handling
* Improved: [ml_history] Play Offset feature for resuming playback of podcasts
* Improved: [ml_local] Director & Producer fields & columns for videos
* Improved: [ml_local] Row cache for NDE to vastly speed up queries
* Improved: [ml_online] Right-click option to open service in new window
* Improved: [ml_wire] feed:// pcast:// and winamp:// protocol support
* Improved: [ml_wire] Option to automatically download 'x' most recent episodes
* Improved: [ml_wire] Redesigned Podcast Directory view
* Improved: [pmp_usb] Option to set paths in saved playlists
* Improved: [vis_milk2] Milkdrop2 updated to use ns-eel2 (thanks Justin)
* Fixed: Custom mldb info reverts to filename on Alt+3 for in_dshow, flv & swf
* Fixed: Elevator installation and Aero compatibility issues in 5.57 on Windows Vista
* Fixed: HeapSetInformation not located in kernel32 error under Win2k
* Fixed: Shuffle feature broken under limited user profiles
* Fixed: Various other reported issues/bugs/crashes with 5.57
* Fixed: [gen_ml] Bold text in Local Media views on some systems
* Fixed: [gen_tray] Compact mode not working on 64-bit OS
* Fixed: [in_flac] Playback freezing before end of some corrupted files
* Fixed: [in_flv] Sync issue where video lags behind audio on some flv files
* Fixed: [in_flv] Various h.263-related crash issues
* Fixed: [in_mod] Heap overflow security vulnerability (thanks Dyon Balding, Secunia)
* Fixed: [in_mod] Some s3m files crashing on load
* Fixed: [in_mp4] Various transcoding issues
* Fixed: [in_wm] Main window & taskbar menu blocked after closing DRM browser
* Fixed: [jpeg.w5s/png.w5s] Security vulnerability fixes (thanks Nicolas Joly, VUPEN)
* Fixed: [ml_local] Remove missing files broken in full rescan
* Fixed: [ml_wire] feeds.xml sometimes being destroyed
* Fixed: [pmp_p4s] Crashing with certain devices
* Fixed: [vis_avs] Compile issues causing some presets to not load properly or crash
* Misc: Improved Windows 7 compatibility, incl. aero thumbnail & taskbar integration
* Misc: More general tweaks, improvements, fixes and optimizations
* Misc: New info page for lang pack developers in About Winamp dialog
* Misc: New MPEG-4 video support adds h264.w5s & mp4v.w5s
* Misc: Renamed nsvdec_vp6.dll to vp6.w5s
* Misc: Removed gen_dropbox from the installer, for now...
* Misc: Right-click to close Notifier in Bento skin
* Misc: Some keyboard accelerator fixes (new Ctrl+Alt+B for Add current to bookmarks)
* Misc: Various installer improvements (including new DirectX version checker)
* Updated: aacPlus decoder 8.2.2, encoder 8.2.0
* Updated: Gracenote CDDB/MusicID v2.6.101
* Updated: libpng 1.2.40
* Updated: [gen_jumpex] JTFE v1.0.7.1
* Updated: [in_vorbis] libvorbis 1.2.3 & libogg 1.1.4

P.S. I experienced this error while posting:

Warning! The following errors must be corrected before your message can be posted:
{*} was found without a matching {/*}
{*} was opened within {i}, this is not allowed
"{code}" was opened within {*}, this is not allowed

...so I couldn't use "[]" brackets  mad Why?

Note: "({ = ["          also          ")} = ]"

TRUTH, FREEDOM, JUSTICE and FATHERLAND are the highest morale values which human is born, lives and dies for!


#12 2010-02-02 21:30

Senior Member
Registered: 2008-05-22
Posts: 542

Re: Redesign About dialogs, your opinions?

Another vote for the bordered one, the boxed approach looks dated.


#13 2010-02-03 15:24

Senior Member
Registered: 2008-04-28
Posts: 446

Re: Redesign About dialogs, your opinions?

eR@SeR, I like your cangelog too.

And about the problem you had posting the message it's just because of the BBCode parser of the forum.
For example, this code (where you can see the characters you tried to use):

[*]1st thing[/*]
[*]2nd thing[/*]

Is converted to this:

  • 1st thing

  • 2nd thing

If this software has helped you, consider getting your pro version. :)


#14 2010-03-04 21:52

Registered: 2010-03-04
Posts: 2

Re: Redesign About dialogs, your opinions?

I also noticed that in Shutter there is no 'about' option in the main menu, but you have to right click to the tray icon or F1

it would be nice to see the about menu like in renamer
Here is the screen shot



#15 2010-03-06 02:39

Senior Member
Registered: 2009-02-08
Posts: 471

Re: Redesign About dialogs, your opinions?

I like the "Beta 18" bit. So far the bet number was not known, so people could not know which particular beta they were using.

How about adding the release date just below it?
Also, please provide a Check latest version link just below it.

People can click that link to jump to the product page (not home page).
The same info should be provided at the download web page; so people can compare the version+date directly.


#16 2010-03-25 22:01

From: Germany, EU
Registered: 2007-10-23
Posts: 1,161

Re: Redesign About dialogs, your opinions?

den4b wrote:

... I'd like to have a standard About dialog for all of my applications,...

It's no matter for me, so no push from my side...
...but maybe you want also to modify "F1" association
to open the local "help" (Quick Guide.pdf) file instead of the about dialog... just to be "standard".

Or do you have an reason to do not change this?


Read the  *WIKI* for HELP + MANUAL + Tips&Tricks.
If ReNamer had helped you, please *DONATE* to Denis or buy a PRO license. (Read *Lite vs Pro*)


#17 2010-03-26 10:37

Senior Member
Registered: 2009-02-08
Posts: 471

Re: Redesign About dialogs, your opinions?

The links in help menu of new beta don't work (?)


#18 2010-03-26 12:59

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Redesign About dialogs, your opinions?

muzzi wrote:

I also noticed that in Shutter there is no 'about' option in the main menu, but you have to right click to the tray icon or F1

Check latest development version of Shutter, it has a new interface and the about option in the main menu.

narayan wrote:

How about adding the release date just below it?
Also, please provide a Check latest version link just below it.

Release date will almost always be the same date as the last modified date of the executable. You can also see it in the change log on every release. "Check latest version link" is something for the future, when I get a change to finish new web site.

narayan wrote:

The links in help menu of new beta don't work (?)

All help links should open associated web pages. Check that you system can open http://... links. The easiest way to do this is to use "Run" from "Start" menu.

Stefan wrote:

but maybe you want also to modify "F1" association

I was thinking about it and decided to have F1 as a shortcut to about dialog consistently between all programs. It also provides a starting point for help - link to the web site and email.


#19 2010-03-26 13:59

Senior Member
Registered: 2009-02-08
Posts: 471

Re: Redesign About dialogs, your opinions?

1. The Help>History link does not work. Others work (Wiki, forum, donate).
2. The Wiki link should open the main page of the ReNamer product (http://www.den4b.com/wiki/ReNamer)


#20 2010-03-26 14:12

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Redesign About dialogs, your opinions?

1. Check that Version.txt file exists, in the same folder as ReNamer.exe
2. Done (not uploaded yet)


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