#1 2010-01-30 02:46

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Redesign About dialogs, your opinions?

I wanted to do this a long time ago, because the current design has few minor issues. I basically want your opinion on whether you are going to prefer the new design, or, perhaps, you might have few ideas of your own.

  • Remove "What's New" section. Instead, use some sort of a "Changes.txt" file along side the application. This will remove the clutter from the executable. This will also allow modification of the changelog without the need to recompile the application.

  • Add version number to the About dialog. I am also planning to start using built-in version information in some near future.

  • Eliminate group boxes. Display information in a list of title-value pairs, for example:
    Author: ...
    License: ...
    Version: ...
    Email: ...

What do you think guys?


#2 2010-01-30 03:43

From: Germany, EU
Registered: 2007-10-23
Posts: 1,161

Re: Redesign About dialogs, your opinions?

I have no better idea right now, your idea sounds good.
But the current about is fine for me too.
The best idea is to add an kind of version or build information.
Don't forget an link to the donation side inside the about. Or general links to homepage/forum/wiki/donation.

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#3 2010-01-30 09:01

Senior Member
From: Łódź (Poland)
Registered: 2008-02-21
Posts: 262

Re: Redesign About dialogs, your opinions?

Sounds good for me.
Version information was "most wanted" for quite a bit of time.

Regular Expressions are not as hard to understand as you may think. Check ReNamer's manual or nice Regular Expressions tutorial for more info and start to use full power of applications that use them (like ReNamer, Mp3Tag and so on).


#4 2010-01-30 11:00

Senior Member
Registered: 2008-04-28
Posts: 446

Re: Redesign About dialogs, your opinions?

Yes, removing that tab it's a good idea and a "changelog.txt" is a nice solution.

If this software has helped you, consider getting your pro version. :)


#5 2010-01-30 21:21

Senior Member
Registered: 2008-05-22
Posts: 542

Re: Redesign About dialogs, your opinions?

Denis, with regards to Changes.txt, I like Winamp's approach a lot. The text file contains separate sections for each version no., that mentions the changes for that version. A drop-down in the About box allows you to select any version no. from the text file and see the corresponding changes.

Also, version info. in the exe would be great as well.

Last edited by Andrew (2010-01-30 21:21)


#6 2010-02-01 03:54

Senior Member
From: Земун, Србија
Registered: 2008-01-23
Posts: 355

Re: Redesign About dialogs, your opinions?

den4b wrote:

Eliminate group boxes. Display information in a list of title-value pairs, for example:
Author: ...
License: ...
Version: ...
Email: ...

Agree. As Stefan mentioned add forum/wiki/donation links (if so remove from Help tab Donation link) and one more for future development "Translator:" info smile
Also in localized version would stand "Version: 5.60 (Russian)" for example. If possible make/update pdf help file from Wiki page for future version. roll

Andrew wrote:

Denis, with regards to Changes.txt, I like Winamp's approach a lot. The text file contains separate sections for each version no., that mentions the changes for that version. A drop-down in the About box allows you to select any version no. from the text file and see the corresponding changes.

Totally agree as I mentioned here. Winamp approach for What's new section is the best for me. (Search option too)
To avoid recompilation, you can have both Changes.txt and internal list. Update txt only for beta(s) and when you're ready to publish new version, add txt changes to internal list big_smile
As narayan mentioned here (we could start/continue our discussion there maybe?) I would like to see this kind of beta logging. It looks better smile

Andrew wrote:

Also, version info. in the exe would be great as well.

Yep smile

P.S. Shutter could suffer these changes too smile
P.S. 2
Since I'm using Free Commander as file manager his About dialog is good to think about. What do you think? hmm


Last edited by eR@SeR (2010-02-01 03:55)

TRUTH, FREEDOM, JUSTICE and FATHERLAND are the highest morale values which human is born, lives and dies for!


#7 2010-02-01 23:40

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Redesign About dialogs, your opinions?

Here is a first draft version. Which one is better, Boxed or Bordered?

I will try to fit translator field as well, but donation link I think should stay in the main menu. I'd like to have a standard About dialog for all of my applications, so it needs to be as clean and as general as possible.

newaboutboxed.gif newaboutbordered.gif


#8 2010-02-02 00:13

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Redesign About dialogs, your opinions?

Maybe all links to sites should go into the menu items?

Web, Forum, Wiki, License, Donation.


#9 2010-02-02 09:16

Senior Member
Registered: 2008-04-28
Posts: 446

Re: Redesign About dialogs, your opinions?

I like the second option.

A donation button could be centered at the bottom.

About the changelog I like the XnView's one. It uses a "change.log", here an example of the content:

XnView v1.96.5 (LIBFORMAT v5.50) 16/09/2009:
     * TIFF can write EXIF
     * Mamiya, Leaf, Hasselblad, Epson, Imacon & Sinar Camera RAW read support
     * AVT, Casio, Contax, Creative, Foculus, Leica, Micron, Panasonic, Rollei, RoverShot, Stmicro Camera RAW read support
     * NConvert: -cmyk_space, you can convert RGB=>CMYK
     * JPEG-XR read support
     * deskew automatic
     * EXIF date taken - http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=18026
     * XPM writing (const)
     * IPTC
     * DPX - 32BitsPacking option added
     * TIM2 CSM1 added
     * PDF orientation
     * Big WMF
     * TIFF 16bits grey

XnView v1.96.2 (LIBFORMAT v5.42) 05/05/2009:
     * Zeiss LSM, Analyze, Nifti, Mrc, IPlab, ImagePro Sequence format read support
     * Kro (Autopano giga) format read support
     * RAW embedded jpeg loading is slow
     * Folder rename - http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?f=36
     * Edit IPTC

XnView v1.96.1 (LIBFORMAT v5.31) 05/05/2009:

     * color for 3D button - http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=17502
     * 'File type' for info or thumbnail label - http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=17378
     * NCONVERT: smoothing factor, dct method, subsampling factor
     * DCRAW
     * SQLITE
     * Embedded jpeg in DNG
     * Extract channel in batch convert
     * Edit embedded comment
     * PDF Fax writing
     * PS/EPS > 10000x10000

If this software has helped you, consider getting your pro version. :)


#10 2010-02-02 12:00

From: Germany, EU
Registered: 2007-10-23
Posts: 1,161

Re: Redesign About dialogs, your opinions?

I would vote for the right one, the bordered. Locks more modern for me.

My design tip:


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