#1 2007-09-28 18:34

From: Alabama, USA
Registered: 2007-09-28
Posts: 8

Add project version to Help, About box

Greetings from Alabama, USA.

ReNamer 5.05 (17 Sep 2007) and CPUMonBeta (14 Aug 2007) (possibly others--these are the 2 apps I've used)

This request is several orders of magnitude beneath significant, but I'm used to going to Help, About and seeing the version of the app I'm currently running. This is especially useful to me when running apps like these that can potentially update frequently. I want to make sure I have the latest features and bug fixes. I know I can see it by clicking 'What's New', but it would be nice on the main Help, About.

Like I said, "several orders of magnitude beneath significant."



#2 2007-10-05 12:14

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Add project version to Help, About box

Hmmmm..... you are right, it is infact several orders of magnitude beneath significant. big_smile

But then I also have to remember to update that date in the About window, in addition to the already required places (i.e. version history, installer script, web files, etc). I just don't think it is necessary at all....

By the way, the easy way to check for updates is to use news feed: feeds.php


#3 2007-10-07 05:40

Registered: 2007-10-07
Posts: 2

Re: Add project version to Help, About box

I'm assuming you use Delphi for the development of Renamer, if so you can easily obtain this information at run time.

Just make sure the .exe stores the correct version info, in Delphi:
* Project > Options... > Version Info
* Check "Include version information in project"

In your about form, you could use this function to find out the version number:

  function GetVersionNumber: string;
    S: string;
    N, Len: DWORD;
    Buf, Version: PChar;
    Result := '';
    S := Application.ExeName;
    N := GetFileVersionInfoSize(PChar(S), n);
    if N > 0 then begin
      Buf := AllocMem(N);
      GetFileVersionInfo(PChar(S), 0, n, Buf);
      if VerQueryValue(Buf, PChar('StringFileInfo\040904E4\FileVersion'), Pointer(Version), Len) then
        Result := Version;
      FreeMem(Buf, N);


#4 2007-10-07 10:49

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Add project version to Help, About box

Thanks for the idea, I am already aware of this method wink

The problem is that I use non-standard version numbers, so I never bothered adding "version info" to the executable. I would still have to manually edit the version number in the history of changes. I might reconsider that in the future...


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