#1 2008-01-20 10:47

Senior Member
Registered: 2007-07-04
Posts: 101

Changelog for Beta releases


Can you add a pinned topic (or a text file into the beta zip) with the changelog of the "beta" release.
This can help to see what is new.
Now, I will have to search for all new topics to see if you post a new beta for a specific problem/feature roll

Possible ?

Do, or do not. There is no 'try.'" --  Jedi Master Yoda


#2 2008-01-20 11:52

From: Germany, EU
Registered: 2007-10-23
Posts: 1,161

Re: Changelog for Beta releases

Maybe this helps you, at least as an work around:

ozzii wrote:

to see if you post a new beta for a specific problem/feature

You can see new betas on the download page. See the date.

ozzii wrote:

or a text file into the beta zip) with the changelog of the "beta" release

Start this beta ReNamer and look under "HELP > What's new"

If Denis doesn't mind we can open an thread on our own to collect news about betas with links to discussing threads?!?

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#3 2008-01-20 12:03

Senior Member
Registered: 2007-07-04
Posts: 101

Re: Changelog for Beta releases

Stefan wrote:

You can see new betas on the download page. See the date.

For that I use a download manager big_smile

Stefan wrote:

Start this beta ReNamer and look under "HELP > What's new"

I saw that but I was thinking that this is not updated for each beta hmm

Maybe add a .xx to the version to see the number of the beta and add, for example, into the "What's new"

.03 here is what new newer newer
.02 here is what new newer
.01 here is what new

for a better understanding of the update/news/corrections

Do, or do not. There is no 'try.'" --  Jedi Master Yoda


#4 2008-01-20 12:33

From: Germany, EU
Registered: 2007-10-23
Posts: 1,161

Re: Changelog for Beta releases

Stefan wrote:

If Denis doesn't mind we can open an thread on our own to collect news about betas with links to discussing threads?!?

I did an start here  http://www.den4b.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=409

Read the  *WIKI* for HELP + MANUAL + Tips&Tricks.
If ReNamer had helped you, please *DONATE* to Denis or buy a PRO license. (Read *Lite vs Pro*)


#5 2008-01-20 15:14

Senior Member
Registered: 2007-07-04
Posts: 101

Re: Changelog for Beta releases

Stefan wrote:

Thanks a lot for that cool

Do, or do not. There is no 'try.'" --  Jedi Master Yoda


#6 2008-01-21 00:05

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Changelog for Beta releases

Ozzi, I store the change log within the programs, in What's New section in About dialog. I don't have any other logs or details about the Beta versions (apart from the date and size in the downloads page), because this would be an extra task for me to take care of. Unfortunately, I cannot afford it time-wise. I'm lucky enough to find some time to even continue working on these tools... sad

Stefan, good man, you are in charge of that topic now smile


#7 2008-01-21 09:16

Senior Member
Registered: 2007-07-04
Posts: 101

Re: Changelog for Beta releases

den4b wrote:

because this would be an extra task for me to take care of. Unfortunately, I cannot afford it time-wise. I'm lucky enough to find some time to even continue working on these tools... sad

I understand this.
Please, continue to find some time to work onto these GREAT tools wink

Do, or do not. There is no 'try.'" --  Jedi Master Yoda


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