#1 2008-02-07 01:05

Registered: 2008-02-07
Posts: 1

Process multiple files

Hasher is a great tool, essential and functional. Would be great add the chance to process multiple files, for example selecting a directory, and generate a *.md5 or *.txt file.


#2 2008-02-13 15:24

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Process multiple files

It is actually possible with the new version of Hasher v2, on which I was working for some time. It is completely re-designed to have a more stream-lined interface. It will take some time to finish it off, and to get the first Beta version of it for public testing. Right now, I am focused on getting the new version of Shutter stabilized and released.

Alternatively, you can try the old beta version of Hasher v1.x, which has an ability to process multiple files and to write results to the text file. Try it from here: HasherBeta.zip


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