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Today, Albanian (Kosovo) government has announced illegal declaration of independence. Serbians will never accept that independence (also our brothers Russians, then India, China...) and will try to protect our territorian integrity with all justice resources. With assistance of USA and some European countries they want to deragate the justice system of Europe and UN which they are repose. When is announced the independence of Kosovo and Metohia, all provinces will now want their independence. All over the world, exist the territories (provinces) which wants the independence (Far Oer, Catalonia, Baskia, Corse, Abhasia, Ossetia, Northern Cyprus and many more). Main offender for this state is the USA. Unfortunately, USA want to interfere in internal politics of many countries (Iraq,Iran,Afganistan,Venecuela,Cuba... and Serbia). Their politics repose on force and STUPID speeches. They speak only about terrorist, terrorism, terrorist, terrorism... And they don't see that they ARE. LEAVE US TO LIVE IN PEACE AND DON"T START THE WAR CRISES EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD, PLEASEEEEE!!!!!! This is only mine MAIN, really short opinion. I want to see yours! Please support my people who suffering this rude and obvious injustice!!!
TRUTH, FREEDOM, JUSTICE and FATHERLAND are the highest morale values which human is born, lives and dies for!
Don't like politic, but I must agree. Just leave the actually negotiations go to end.
Pozdrav eR@SeR
Do, or do not. There is no 'try.'" -- Jedi Master Yoda
Баш сам хтео да те обавестим да сам поставио ову тему на Денисовом сајту и да оставиш неки коментар али си ме предухитрио. Морао сам да искалим некако негодовање, не могу да ћутим. Надам се да им неће признати државу јер је правда на нашој страни. Ма какви преговори, са њима нема преговора. Само су хтели независност и ништа више. Руси су нам једина нада. Због њих се, за сад, нико не усуђује да им призна вештачку државу под вођством Америке. Био је протест у Паризу, јеси ли можда био тамо? Биће органозован протест у Београду у четвртак па ћемо им показати да не дамо Косово, ако треба гинућу за њега. Све ово звучи сувише политички, али шта ћу, патриота сам...
Поздрав, Ози! (послао бих ти смајлија ал ми није тренутно до њега)
Last edited by eR@SeR (2008-02-18 15:40)
TRUTH, FREEDOM, JUSTICE and FATHERLAND are the highest morale values which human is born, lives and dies for!
Нисам био на том протесту посшто сам радио, тако да нисам могао.
Нисам ни ја за ту независност, али шта хоћеш, нико ме не пита за мишљење.
Али, боље да се отерају и да нас (европа) пусте да уђемо у шенгенској листи (преговори у току).
ПОЗ !!
Do, or do not. There is no 'try.'" -- Jedi Master Yoda
I'm not a very political person, but one thing is for sure: If territories like Kosovo can/will easily declare their independence by them selves - the world will start to fall apart, as many other territories will start declaring their independence, spawning huge amount of violence and potential wars! Also, the fact that other countries like (cough) US (cough) are interfering into millions of people's lifes, for the purpose of gaining political advantage in the area and creating wars - is outrages! Groups of people can't do whatever they like just because somebody from half a world away told them they can do so.
I hope that this will be resolved peacefully.
I hope that this will be resolved peacefully.
Me too
Do, or do not. There is no 'try.'" -- Jedi Master Yoda
I don't think that this will end peacefully, unfortunately. USA will go to the end in their interests. I heard that Russia will use the force if UN don't do something. This is "good" news for Serbians, but it is not good for world! Both countries have nuclear weapons and that is, people, REALLY, REALLY dangerous. World is accustomed to watch the dominance of the USA all over the world, but when Russia is now the most powerful state on earth because provision of gas to European Union, Condolisa Rise is now object why Russia interfere more and more in world states. I said ENOUGH. Someone must stop this obvious injustice which represents the USA (pure evil). Now it is time to reverse the world order and the JUSTICE, which represents Russia, China, India (states in great expansions) will and MUST rule. If there is no world justice there is no laws, human rights, constitutions, countries, UN... World will simply fall apart. That must stop. Russia, for sure, don't want to start any conflict with anyone, but when is JUSTICE all about, then it must be done something to change this...
TRUTH, FREEDOM, JUSTICE and FATHERLAND are the highest morale values which human is born, lives and dies for!
I'm not a very political person, but one thing is for sure: If territories like Kosovo can/will easily declare their independence by them selves - the world will start to fall apart, as many other territories will start declaring their independence, spawning huge amount of violence and potential wars! Also, the fact that other countries like (cough) US (cough) are interfering into millions of people's lifes, for the purpose of gaining political advantage in the area and creating wars - is outrages! Groups of people can't do whatever they like just because somebody from half a world away told them they can do so.
I hope that this will be resolved peacefully.
As you can see, world started to fall apart. Everything you said is totally true, but I'm really sorry that crisis had started in Southern Ossetia. President of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev has approved the independence of that region and shown to world that Kosovo & Metohia isn't unique case. If USA can approve unnormal state of Kosovo, then Russia can approve Southern Ossetia to protect their citizens from Georgian army. Ohh world is totally crazy, now EU claims that Russia used unneccesary force and should be judged for doing genocide to Georgians, they will declare some announcement :lol::lol:. Silly you - EU. Who gives you a gas??? USA involves you to support their interests but you will "burn" yourself for "sharpening" the relations with Russia. That is not needed for you - EU. Now world state is shaken and who knows what can happen now. Medvedev said that he don't excluding usage of military attack to countries that have rocket shield towards Russia. USA started war crisis and without hesitation indirectly attacked Russia via border issue in Southern Ossetia. Now they want to start "isolation" (it's impossiple to do, to such great country in expansion like Russia) and to announce Russia guilty for usage of army force on Georgia, via UN
:lol::lol:. DEVIL don't have any exit from resource drought so he had to attack with all available instruments to rise his economy. But they steped on wrong country this time. I hope that IMPERATOR will pay all they debts sooner or later. Now it is opportunity for Russia to change world order and overturn the dominance of EVIL hegemony of USA...
Here is text of one rap song on Serbian which describes current and past situation in Serbia.
I roughly translated parts that are fundamental and gives you some facts about Serbian history.
It wasn't been an easy task
I couldn't find any download link on net, so I hope that you can find it, if you want, via some P2P tool (Limewire)
Ks Maestro Feat. Krang - Serbia (Album: Serbia till Tokio - Srbija do Tokija)
It's true that nation sink when NATO cheers Tachi
The bombs had been droped here and now conversation demands, toleration
Show the smile, but Kosmet is full of muslims, who is naive there
Our people is always passive, for world always offensive
That machine judge with two criterions, judge on two ways, forgives stronger ones
... Athens were fallen, Byzantium, tyranny will fall too
Which supports the creation of Great Albania
The judge stagnate, variate but many people that not tangent
I collect everything, and what should Serbs to hope
When today people who crusified Gesus rules, devastates world
Innocent gets killed, but they are cause of HIV offence
Creators of circus which Americans now gets from minus
Nor guilty nor indebted Serbian people illustrated on the worst possible way
Separated through clans through shocking wars
Estranged, separated from home, *uck pacts, give me weapons
We were lived through centuries, we weren't plained our grandfathers
But we already has sent our descendants on fronts
Survived here and always counteracted first
And we will be here when you start to fall apart
I will not be frightened when war erupts I will stand ready like mine ancestor
Give me charge I don't wanna die tied, from death I don't tremble
All incendiaries I pulls into chasm, interlooper prowls
Once executioner always executioner that is a scum
Today he cannot be chaste, forever combat
Miserable enemy curse and offend, objurgate and waits a misery to get you
Then hit you from a back, I watch people
They listen, rise them into the air, gives them a goblet
ADMIT patriotism is thrown away I'm angry
World is tight, life is poingnant and difficult
Show the monster and I will get into the combat
It's not matter am I get up, son, that's the way you must go
Ancestors weren't not die for money on Crete, *uck money
Don't forget who tamped us on pole, drank our blood, our children cremated
Polluted our cheek, be fighter, don't forget Jasenovac.
When will they remove us from blacklist, Christ look at criminals
They educate us, those morons, whos exterminated Indians
Everyone were looked us from distance
While Merciful Angel (1999) is scorching with flame
Today misery gets us with no justice, Serbian boot doesn't stamp anymore here
What a crisis because of peace, dance as West plays
Serbia stands while 30 and more monasteries burning
But what do you care about us, why you interested in our entail
You were pagans while we rising those columns, created portents
Because of faith all the time we last
Survived and again with everyone counteracts
We repeated that all victories against us are Pyrrhic
Number is not important, we were in fray even against the GIANTS, because we had a dreams
And till we have any offspring, there will be a will to append our lands
It's essential to remember to whom the areas are accrued
To us graves were sprouted at the end we became fiends
Spoken to the jury but in vain, when they also wants to bereave, conquer us
Our people cannot be in rest, many are defunct and agian we are not free
Here is on Serbian (part)
КС Маестро и Кранг - СРБИЈА
Дабоме да тоне нација кад НАТОвци бодре Тачија,
Овде су падале бомбе сад се опет тражи конверзација, толеранција.
Покажи осмех а Космет је пун балија, ко је ту наиван?
Наш народ увек пасиван, за свет увек насилан.
Та машина суди са два аршина, суди на два начина, прашта јачима, јебе се мајка слабима.
Пала је Атина, пала Византија, пашће и тиранија
Која навија да се створи велика Албанија.
Правда стагнира, варира - ал' многе то не тангира, ја све сабирам.
И чему да се Срби надају кад данас харају
Светом владају они коју су разапели Исуса?
Невини страдају а они су узрок навале ХИВ вируса,
Творци циркуса којима се Амери сад ваде из минуса.
Ни крив ни дужан Српски народ најгоре осуђен,
Подељен на кланове кроз потресне ратове отуђен,
Одвојен од куће, зајеби пактове дај оружје.
Ми смо постојали кроз векове, нисмо ни оплакали дедове
А већ смо слали потомке на нове фронтове.
Овде опстајали, и увек се први супростављали
И бићемо ту кад ви будете пропадали.
Нећу се бојати кад рат букне, ја ћу стојати спреман к'о и мој предак.
Дај ми оквир нећу да умрем везан, смрти не презам.
Све паликуће вучем у бездан, уљез вреба.
Јуче џелат биће увек џелат, то је ђубре
Данас такав не може да буде чедан, заувек мегдан.
Бедан душманин куне и вређа, псује и чека да стигну муке па да пукне с леђа.
Људе гледам, такве слушају, пуштају у етар, дају им пехар.
Признај, патриотизам је однео ветар, ја сам бесан.
Свет је тесан, живот горак и тежак.
Покажи неман, и ја ћу да се ухватим у коштац, није битно дал' ћу устати синовац.
Тако мораш, преци на Криту нису гинули за кинту, јебеш новац.
Не заборави ко нас је набијао на колац
Нашом крвљу се наливао, децу спаљивао, каљао образ.
Буди борац, не заборави Јасеновац.
Кад ће да нас склоне са црне листе, Христе види криминалце
Уче нас о правима ти дебили који су истребили Индијанце.
Сви су гледали са дистанце док је Милосрдни анђео палио пламеном.
Беда нас је неправедно данас стигла, Србијом не гази наша чизма.
Каква криза, зарад мира играј како запад свира.
Србија стоји док гори триес' и више манастира.
Ал' шта вас брига, шта вас занима наша баштина,
Били сте пагани кад смо то камење слагали, знамење стварали.
Због вере смо сво време трајали, опстајали и поново се свима супростављали
Понављали да су све победе против нас Пирове.
Није битан број, ми смо кретали у бој и на дивове.
Јер смо имали снове и док има једне Српске принове
Биће и жеље да се наше земље припоје.
Битно је да се сетиш коме су припали простори,
Нама ницали гробови, на крају ми испали злотвори.
Причали пороти, ал' џаба кад би и она да нас пороби, да нас покори.
Наш народ не може да се одмори,
Многи су покојни и опет нисмо слободни.
Last edited by eR@SeR (2008-08-28 01:07)
TRUTH, FREEDOM, JUSTICE and FATHERLAND are the highest morale values which human is born, lives and dies for!
Yeah... I don't know what the hell is happening! People are going mad!! It is all just political games..... And now that Poland signed and agreement with US regarding american anti-rocket systems --- it puts Poland at huge risk, as it is now a STRATEGIC target for Russian missiles, if something does go wrong.... It feels like US never actually gave up on the cold war, and they are trying everything to feck up our entire continent.
And now that Poland signed and agreement with US regarding american anti-rocket systems --- it puts Poland at huge risk, as it is now a STRATEGIC target for Russian missiles, if something does go wrong...
Edit: I sincerely apologize for posting this sentence. I remembered historical facts and there is painful past between Poland and Russia
Unfortunately they also support the isolation of Russia, including Scandinavian countries too.
I don't know why almost everyone are against Russia?
Like I translated from previous text: "What a crisis because of peace, dance as West plays"
I think that you should know some, by mine opinion, really obvious and logical things.
It's taken from Serbian documentary movie called Digital Angel (Дигитални Анђео) by anonymous author.
I think that anyone who created that movie had to be anonymous because of possible threat for life...spooky
This is only a tiny part of it (translated). Duration is 1:52:49...
Here is a link: Google Video
When I watched it for the first time, it seemed to me REALLY radical and contraverse, but in fact there is some truth Don't you think?
Almost every internet address begins with characters "www" which means "world wide web".
"They" chose right that name, couldn't they chose another one???
Jewish alphabet don't have separated symbols for numbers and letters.
Letters are used as numbers too.
Every letter have its own numeral value.
Jewish equivalent for english letter "w" is letter "vav" or "waw".
Numeral value of letter "vav" is 6.
English "www", jewish "vav vav vav" or numerical "666".
Alphabet have 26 letters: "A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z"
Again, Jewish proposed value to every letter, with simple formula.
In alphabetical order, every letter have multiplier "6" (6+6+6+6+6+6+...).
A-6, B-12, C-18, D-24, E-30, F-36, G-42, H-48, I-54, J-60, K-66, L-72, M-78, N-84, O-90, P-96, Q-102, R-108, S-114, T-120, U-126, V-132, W-138, X-144, Y-150, Z-156
Look at these examples - simple mathematics:
When you convert name "William Henry Gates III" (Bill Gates), "Lord Maitreya" and "BARCODE" into ASCI code you get "666".
Crown of papa
In latin letter specyfic letters have purport of numbers:
I-1, V=5, U=5, X=10, L=50, C=100, D=500, M=1000
As you can see "U" and "V" have same value "5".
When you add and calculate numbers from sentence "VICARIUS FILII DEI" you get "666".
For judaism number 666 is golden number, because every year in that amount had arriving dozens, to Solomon's treasury (from taxes).
By St. Johan revelation in Christianity that number is STAMP OF THE BEAST.
In modern magic, every novice, if he is Christian, he have to take cross, invert it and break horizontal limbs downwards to show that he rejected Christ and his religion.
Uneducated Christians believes that this is symbol of peace.
Etc. Etc.......
Last edited by eR@SeR (2008-09-01 16:45)
TRUTH, FREEDOM, JUSTICE and FATHERLAND are the highest morale values which human is born, lives and dies for!