#21 2008-04-18 23:03

Registered: 2008-04-17
Posts: 3

Re: Shutter v3 Alpha / Beta

Solved my issue - I used shutter to run a powershell script if there was no user activity for 10 minutes. This then checked whether there were any open windows, and also whether there was a MCE recording in progress (which does not have a window).
If both of these conditions are satisfied, then the script shuts down the PC (with a 60 sec countdown and option to cancel). Meanwhile, shutter has been set to keep on looping so if the script does not shut down, there will be a chance in the future. I had to hide the shutter tray icon though, as every 10 minutes it popped up a balloon. Great piece of software though :-)


#22 2008-06-02 20:36

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Shutter v3 Alpha / Beta

As of today, 2 June 2008, Alpha version has qualified for the Beta stage.

ShutterBeta.zip (~500KB)


#23 2009-03-01 04:28

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Shutter v3 Alpha / Beta

For those who have subscribed to this topic: Shutter v3 is almost ready for the release!

Most of the planned functionality is implemented and stabilized. There might be few minor cleaning ups to do, but apart from that - it is ready for general usage.

ShutterBeta.zip (825 KB)


#24 2009-03-13 05:09

Registered: 2008-12-13
Posts: 20

Re: Shutter v3 Alpha / Beta

I updated from 3.0 beta 12 to 3.0 beta 20 just now, and my presets no longer load.  That is, when I select any of them from Presets > Load, or if I use Ctrl+n, nothing happens.  The presets appear in the list (under Presets > Load), they just won't load.

Edit:  I think I see...  The format of the preset files has changed, with "TshEvent" having been removed (e.g. Rather than "TshEventUserInactive", it's now simply "UserInactive").  And the "Class=" strings are now "ID=".  I was able to do search/replaces on my presets, and they now seem to work.

Last edited by miserable (2009-03-13 14:30)


#25 2009-03-29 10:46

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Shutter v3 Alpha / Beta

Yes, you got it right. I have replaced Class IDs with their natural names. This way is more future-proof, and gives ability to translate names of events/actions to other languages.


#26 2009-08-16 23:22

Registered: 2009-08-16
Posts: 1

Re: Shutter v3 Alpha / Beta

The new Shutter Beta Version is a great help for me. Thank you!

But in one topic, it does not work proper:

I want to perform a shutdown of a server if all the clients are "off/disconnected" for at least 30 minutes.

Shutter 3.0 Beta 25:

"All events triggered"
"Ping Stops " dead for 1800 s"
"Ping Stops " dead for 1800 s"

How do I have to set the "Reset Intervall for events with logic 'all'"?

If I adjust a short time (e.g. 10 s) then it takes a long time for the "all trigger" if one client is off 900 s after the other.

If I adjust a long time (e.g.1800 s) then the "all trigger event" will happen even in cases in which the first disconnected client will be online during the reset intervall again.

How can I manage this topic?

Perhaps it would be a solution not to use the "Reset Intervall" but to program the following procedure within Shutter:

All events which are triggered remain triggered until the last event of the list is triggered. If this happens, all allready triggered events are checked for a very short time to verify the triggered status. If every event is confirmed to be still in the state of "triggered" then the action is performed. If one or more events are not longer in the status of "triggered" then these one or more events (and only these) start the event check from the beginning.

Thank you again!


#27 2009-08-23 11:58

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Shutter v3 Alpha / Beta

I am aware of this problem. At the moment, the design of Shutter's event system does not allow such flexibility. All I can say is that I have noted this problem on my "to do" list, and when I find the best and most elegant solution to it - I will implement it.

In the meantime, I could suggest you using the "AND" logic.

P.S. Here is the same problem: Continues event monitoring for ALL logic


#28 2010-01-15 09:10

Registered: 2010-01-15
Posts: 1

Re: Shutter v3 Alpha / Beta

You might laugh, but I have been looking for a couple of YEARS for an elegant program that would be able to start from shortcut, and after a certain period of idle time (user inactivity) put the computer into standby. As simple as this might sound to some, nothing out there quite satisfied these simple requirements.

TOff was OK for the purpose in the meantime, but it was clumsy and didn't always work because command line support was an afterthought.

I just found the Shutter v3 Beta. Oh my god! I have shivers running down my spine. I absolutely love the simple, functional and highly customizable interface. It is the BEST. I am in LOVE! THANK YOU DENIS!

I will play with it a bit more to make sure it works for my purpose, and then I will have to make a donation to thank you for your great efforts!!


#29 2010-02-03 22:15

Registered: 2010-02-03
Posts: 1

Re: Shutter v3 Alpha / Beta

I just rediscovered Shutter on my old hard drive , went here , got latest beta, Fell in love  tongue

Web interface gives me one thing i ever wanted (I can lockdown my pc from Internet ;p)

You will get donation as soon as i get some juice on my paypal  big_smile

And just 1 more suggestions. Probably impossible in version 3 but maybe in v4?

Ability to make list of actions :

1. wait 10 min all user inactive 3 min
2. turn something.exe on
3. wait 20 min and processor <10% for 10 sec
5. kill something.exe

What i mean is to be able to mix events and actions in 1 list that goes in 1by1 mode

Keep good work for better world (every little thing matters never forget this)  cool

Cheers Wojbie

PS: One more idea for v4 ;p
add continue list after reset. mean reset is on 4 position and after it program starts from position 5 ;p

Last edited by Wojbie (2010-02-04 14:13)


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