#1 2006-08-16 16:11

Senior Member
From: Birmingham, UK
Registered: 2006-05-03
Posts: 122

Totally off topic rant about how people treat animals

Had an odd morning yesterday
Woke up at 7:15am with next doors dog howling
They've gone on holiday and left a dog and a few cats in the back garden - the dogs in an area smaller than my pc room
Whoever is supposed to come and feed/clean up after the dogs and cats arn't doing their job though
There was no water or food and the area was full or excrement
This had being going on for a few days, but apart from chucking food over the fence, there was not a lot I could do
But seeing no water in the bowls (and there being no way to get water to them) I became a lawbreaker
Very nervously (it a staff' bull terrier, and you gotta be careful - I pity the fool who tries this at my house with poppy (a jack russel trerrier - and possibly the most evil dog in the world)) I climbed over the fence, unlocked it and brought in food and water
<sigh> shouldn't have been worried, the dog was lovely and just wanted some company, food and water
5 minutes later the neighbour on the other side popped her head out of the window and gave me some salmon for the cats
10 mins after that, there was a knocking on the back gate, so I openned it (half expecting a police officer) to find an old man with a large bag of dried food for the dog
He reckoned that they had left somebody in charge of the animals, but they didn't even spend 5 minutes when they came over
I moved the dogs bowls to under my fence so I could fill up the water and food by leaning over the fence, but couldn't do anything about the kitten that I saw in the house
Thanked the two neighbours for their help (I have a sneaky feeling that they were waiting to see who went in first and would they be attack by the dog?) and came home
Phoned the RSPCA
Phoned Graham (A police officer) to ask how much trouble I would be in if I brought the dog to my house - not a good idea, so I left her howling all day - makes me feel like a complete bastard though
How can people treat animals like that, I was so angry I wanted to kick the crap out of someone and that's not like me - last time I got into a fight I was in juniour school
Instead I phoned a friend and ranted for a while - didn't really help, I just got an offer to help me kick the crap out of the person who's supposed to be looking after the animals
Went out to feed the dog - shock, the kittens outside
Good news thinks I, whoevers supposed to be looking after the pets has come and fed them
Still no food or water - even more dog s**t everwhere
Looks like they just let the cat out
So, feed the pets (after going to the shops to get cat food) and come in (after Grahams advice I'm not going into the garden again unless I really have to)
The RSPCA come around
The lady has a look over the fence and is frothing at the mouth, but because me and the other neighbours are feeding them she doesn't have a reason the break in immediately
She's put a letter through the door that they've got to answer in 24 hours warning them that they must clear up the c**p, feed and water the pets properly and that she'll be back for an inspection soon to see that it's being done right
Otherwise, (she said) 'we get the police to break in and then take the animals into protective custody'

It's horrible - I'm so angry and I dont even know who to be angry at
Did my neighbours think they were trusting a reliable person and it's not their fault
Or did they just ask the nearest junkie?

Sorry to rant so much, but it makes me want to scream at someone - you just came along at the right time ;-)

Last edited by dloneranger (2006-08-16 16:14)


#2 2006-08-23 15:49

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Totally off topic rant about how people treat animals

That's a shocking story, shocking but true... I think it happens a lot tho.

First, bit the crap out of the "person who was supposed to be watching pets", and later, wait till your neighbors will get eaten by RSPCA wink

Tell us how did the story end, ok?


#3 2006-08-24 14:01

Senior Member
From: Birmingham, UK
Registered: 2006-05-03
Posts: 122

Re: Totally off topic rant about how people treat animals

They had left 2 14 year-olds in charge, and I guess the letter from the rspca gave them a scare when they came around a day later.

They had to spend a few hours cleaning up all the mess <evil grin>
But, they did take better care of the pets after that - probably because the letter from the rspca said they'd be inspecting every day, and coming to see the owners at the weekend
Hopefully they'll leave someone a bit more responsible in charge next time smile


#4 2009-04-16 16:40

Registered: 2009-04-16
Posts: 1

Re: Totally off topic rant about how people treat animals

hey.. i am harini blogging at harinip.blogspot.com and i was planning to do a post on how animals are being treated and was searching for stuff on google and i came across your article.. i was hoping you would let me post it on my blog or link your post on mine.. hoping to hear from you soon


#5 2009-04-22 21:16

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Totally off topic rant about how people treat animals

I dont think that dloneranger will mind if you link to his post. But if you want to copy his story, you better ask him directly. Use built-in function to send forum e-mail from his profile page.


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