#1 2005-05-19 01:00

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,454

ReNamer 1.85 Beta - testing and evaluating

New version of ReNamer coming soon. A lot of new features were implemented!
People who would like to try the Beta version, use a feedback form to contact me, and I will send a link.

I dont expect anything to go wrong, because it has been already tested by some people. And the main reason is because of the way ReNamer works, it will rename your files only when you want it and only how you want it. Bugs might come up in the graphical interface or in some of the new features. Suggestions are always welcomed.

Some of the new features:
* Options menu was converted to the Settings Form;
* added Extra Columns: FileSize, TimeModified, TimeCreated - turned off by default;
* extended Browse For Folder dialog: ability to use Mask and exclude Hidden files;
* extended Serialization Rule: choice of Incremental or Random index;
* added ability to Force user defined Case for specific Fragments, in Case Rule;
* added Option to Minimize Path Column on Auto Size, which was done by default;
* added Select by Mask to the files management functions;
* added special sorting by File Size;
* added alternative view for Tabs;
* etc...


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