#1 2006-08-10 19:59

Senior Member
From: Birmingham, UK
Registered: 2006-05-03
Posts: 122

Nice freeware delphi components

Looking for a good drag and drop component I came across this site http://www.delphidabbler.com/

The drag and drop component is pretty good

Key features of TPJDropFiles, TPJCtrlDropFiles and TPJFormDropFiles are:

An OnDropFiles event is triggered when files are dropped.
The names of dropped files are made available through the Files array property. For convenience, the name of the first such file is also stored in the FileName property.
The list of dropped files can be configured to include only files, only folders or all files and folders.
Dropped folders can be recursed so that all the files and sub-folders in each of the dropped folders are listed.
Filters can be applied to the dropped files and folders. This is done either by linking to a filter component (see above) or by handling the OnFileFilter event and deciding which files and folders to pass through the filter in the event handler.
The mouse co-ordinates where the files were dropped can be retrieved, as can a reference to any control under the mouse cursor at the time.
The OnBeforeDrop event can be used to perform pre-processing before the files are actually dropped.
The IsFolder array property tells if the equivalent item from Files array is a file or a folder.
The owning window can be brought to the front when files are dropped.
Some design time assistance is provided by component and property editors.

There's a few good things there, and a nice code snippet page


#2 2006-08-11 10:29

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Nice freeware delphi components

Very powerful and feature-full Virtual Treeview from http://www.delphi-gems.com/.
It has everything that you might ever need, it just has it, go on and check out all the features!

Most important features for me:
* Virtual: doesn't store the data, but requests it dynamically via events!
* Drag&Drop for items and for columns, even for objects outside of the application!
* Customizable, from bottom-up!
* Unicode supported!



#3 2006-08-11 10:40

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Nice freeware delphi components

TntWare Delphi Unicode Controls

If were ever concerned about Unicode support for your application, you would already know about this package! TntWare controls allow you to develop applications that take advantage of the Unicode capabilities of Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 without abandoning Delphi, C++Builder or Windows 95/98/ME.

It provides required functionality to deal with Unicode strings, and has all the standard Delphi components with Unicode support, and these components are reusing the original Delphi code, so they work transparently for your application:

Standard: TTntMainMenu, TTntPopupMenu, TTntLabel, TTntEdit, TTntMemo, TTntButton, TTntCheckBox, TTntRadioButton, TTntListBox, TTntComboBox, TTntScrollBar, TTntGroupBox, TTntRadioGroupBox, TTntPanel, TTntActionList. Additional: TTntBitBtn, TTntSpeedButton, TTntStringGrid, TTntDrawGrid, TTntImage, TTntShape, TTntBevel, TTntScrollBox, TTntCheckListBox, TTntSplitter, TTntStaticText, TTntControlBar. Win32: TTntTabControl, TTntPageControl, TTntRichEdit, TTntTrackBar, TTntProgressBar, TTntUpDown, TTntDateTimePicker, TTntMonthCalendar, TTntTreeView, TTntListView, TTntPageScroller, TTntStatusBar. Data Controls: TTntDBGrid, TTntDBText, TTntDBEdit, TTntDBComboBox, TTntDBCheckBox, TTntDBRichEdit. System: TTntPaintBox. Dialogs: TTntOpenDialog, TTntSaveDialog. Others: TTntForm, TTntFrame, TTntStrings, TTntStringList, TTntFileStream, TTntResourceStream, TTntRegistry, TTntClipboard.


#4 2006-08-13 20:39

Senior Member
From: Birmingham, UK
Registered: 2006-05-03
Posts: 122

Re: Nice freeware delphi components

Hey!! tnt is freeware now
Last time I looked they cost megabucks lol gimme, gimme, gimme

I'm luck that my last company paid for delphi 7, 2006 and modelmaker, but and components come out of my pocket so I'm not really big on components that cost money (apart from castalia - well worth the cash)


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