#1 2010-05-24 03:15

Registered: 2010-05-24
Posts: 31

FAILED and Thread Error: Access is denied (5)


Today I was comparing some ISO's (about 600 MB) using Hasher 1.20, SHA1.
More often then not, I received FAILED.

Fired up Hasher 1.00.
It worked (the first time*).  (And yes I do <now> see that Hasher 1.00 SHA1 code is flawed.)
But then sometimes, it would get so far along, & then just hang.
At the hang, if I were to hit "Pause", an error would be generated: "Thread Error: Access is denied (5)".
the first time* - but not all the time, though it seemed more so then 1.20.

I'm going to assume that a FAILED & a "Thread Error: Access is denied (5)" are (may be) one in the same?

Anyhow, the more verbose error message in 1.00 jogged a memory.

See what I wrote here, File Comparator Residual Thread Left Open?.

Perhaps it is not an Altap Salamander issue at all, as when I dragged the same files from a Windows Explorer window (opened from Salamander) into Hasher, I still received FAILED & or hangs.

(No problems at all when using Nirsoft's HashMyFiles.)


#2 2010-05-24 08:18

Registered: 2009-01-30
Posts: 84

Re: FAILED and Thread Error: Access is denied (5)

I think I remember encountering the FAILED error a few times myself on some "large" files (more than 100MB in size) previously, when trying to perform a CRC32 on it. Didn't really look into it too closely, because I have other tools that can generate and verify CRC32 checksums.

All I particularly remember about this (which was a few months ago), was that when the file was hashing, it would get partway through, then return FAILED. It was repeatable, but only to an extent.... I could try to hash again immediately afterwards to re-generate the error, but when I used a different (and successful) hashing tool, then followed up with Hasher, then it worked fine. hmm


#3 2010-05-24 10:54

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: FAILED and Thread Error: Access is denied (5)

Hasher 1.00 has its problems and is very much outdated. I would strongly recommend using the latest development version of Hasher v3 which can be downloaded from here: Hasher3Alpha.zip

As it is an Alpha release, some extra options are not yet implemented but the newly redesigned hashing engine and the new hashing libraries are performing very well now.


#4 2011-01-29 19:21

Registered: 2010-05-24
Posts: 31

Re: FAILED and Thread Error: Access is denied (5)

It's been a while & I've been meaning to drop back in to say thank you.
The alpha has been working just fine*.

(*Fine enough.  I no longer have issues with results being returned.  As an alpha, there could be some tweaks, but nothing I'm going to complain about.)


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