#1 2006-05-16 14:38

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

ReNamer Reviews

Posted on 13th of May 2006, at www.softpedia.com smile

Editor's ratings:
User Interface: 5/5 starts
Features: 5/5 starts
Ease of Use: 5/5 starts
Price/Value: 5/5 starts
OVERALL: 5/5 starts


Read the Full Review here:
http://www.softpedia.com/reviews/window … 3553.shtml


#2 2008-04-16 21:59

Senior Member
From: Земун, Србија
Registered: 2008-01-23
Posts: 355

Re: ReNamer Reviews

I saw in the down left corner link "show unanswered posts" and only one post have displayed and that was this one. It don't deserves to be unanswered mad. I'm really sad :'( Why? Here it is:

This topic is the basics of using the ReNamer and nobody have anything to say :"-(.
You wondering why is basics?

Read the review on Softpedia and everything will be CLEAR to you.

No further comments smile. I'm astonished. Whoever wrote that "main" review is the "best writer in the world". Live for hundred years dude cool!

Here is that link again: http://www.softpedia.com/reviews/window … 3553.shtml

TRUTH, FREEDOM, JUSTICE and FATHERLAND are the highest morale values which human is born, lives and dies for!


#3 2008-06-02 20:28

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: ReNamer Reviews

ReNamer review: Excelent renaming utility!
By: Cosmin Nitu, Editor, Software Reviews, Softpedia
Version reviewed: 3.30

If you're a professional that works with loads of files daily and needs to organize them, a solution might be renaming all of them in a customized way, so that you can keep track of every single one. Since renaming many files manually would mean tons of time (precious time) I think it's time we find an automated solution that does this for you. I have come across a tiny application that does the job nice and clean. It's called ReNamer, and it was developed by Denis Kozlov.

The basics...

The main purpose of this program is to help you rename your files, and it can do this to thousands and thousands of files at once. It can also rename folders for you.

The whole renaming operation is divided into four parts: first you have to add your files, then you have to set the rules by which the renaming is made; after this step you can preview your files with a before/after-style look (to avoid any mistakes, this step is mandatory); the last, but certainly the most important, is the renaming action. It's as simple as that.

To rename, or not to rename...

When opening the program you get a nice and simple main window with a design that guides you through the whole process. There's an action area, at the top, followed by the rules section. Just below is the file zone, that shows the files you've loaded for renaming, and the new file names (when you want to preview).

If you're working with few files, you can load them individually, using the Add files feature. But, there's also the option of loading all the files from a certain folder, using the Add folder button. This is a great feature if you're planning on renaming files from a folder that has many subdirectories.

Once you've added the files, it's time to think about the correct name that you want to assign to all of them. You can change the current one, and make slight modifications, but you can completely change the name of the files too. In order to do this, you must setup some rules. There's no limit as to how many rules you may add, and there are plenty to choose from. Should you make a combination of more rules that apply for your  files, you have to keep in mind that they will apply in a logical sequence. This gives the program an unlimited processing potential.

An option for you to use, is inserting text in the filename. You can add it as a prefix, as a suffix, or anywhere in the filename (you have to specify the position for this).

On the other hand, if you want to remove a part of the name, you have the replace option that will take care of this issue. Surely you'll agree that manually renaming a file and deleting a part of the name is not the easiest task in the world, with the operation being so thorough even for a single file.

Even though it's not recommended, you can also change files' extensions in a snap.

A burden that's often encountered is the fact that some files contain special characters in their name. This is not a problem anymore, because ReNamer can strip the filename of these characters (numbers, brackets, symbols, or any other character that you define).

There are even some advanced rules, such as finding content brackets, dots, commas, percent symbols, and so on, and replacing them with spaces. This can turn out to be quite an annoying job to do with no assistance. But, again, ReNamer will take care of it for you in a click.

If you're dealing with diacritical characters (such as the ones in the Russian alphabet), you can convert them into correspondent English letters.

Another toy you can play with is the case of the letters/words in the name. There are many options you can work will, and nothing will get past this feature.

If none of the above has impressed you, have no worries: you are free to insert your own PascalScript code that will complete the set of available rules.

Once you have finished defining your rules, you can move on to the next step, and see how your files will be named, using the preview feature. If there are certain files that have dodged one of your rules, you can simply edit the output name of the file, and it will be renamed just as you wish.

Let's review what we've done so far: we have loaded the files for renaming, we've added the customized rules, and we've previewed the output filenames. All you have to do now is hit the Rename button, sit back, and wait for the program to do the work for you. But don't get your hopes up: renaming thousands of files takes no longer than a few seconds, which means you won't get to sit back for long and you'll have to get back to work.

The Good

I like this program because it's a good solution for batch renaming, and it does this job really fast and really good. It has many rules to combine and choose from.

The Bad

I really cannot think of anything bad about this program, so I don't see a reason why you shouldn’t use it.

The Truth

What more can I say, once you've used this program, you'll never right click a file to rename it! It's worth trying, and it's Free!


#4 2008-06-02 20:30

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: ReNamer Reviews

ReNamer review response, by "Moralphobia is evil"

I have tested over a dozen renaming tools which boast great functionality but this is is in the top three. What's more: this is the best of those. A distant second is RenameMaster and in third a shareware app I won't mention by name.

ReNamer is small, fast, and portable. It requires no installation which is definately a must for such utilities. I carry ReNamer on all my USB Flash drives and you should, too! The only way the renaming process itself could be faster would be an option to not-show the progress in the GUI file-by-file, but instead via a counter thus requiring much fewer screen writes. However, this process is in no way slow. According to the explorer properties the exe and ini occupy a mere 1,933,312 bytes.

The author frequently expands the functionality releasing updates montly (sometimes more). I'm always eager for new features so I've added the developers site to my WatchThatPage account. Additionally he is responsive to feedback, and quick to solve bugs at his newly created forums that I discovered by sheer happenstance. A new feature that exceeds my needs, PascalScript integration, is intriguing. I know no programming languages, but this feature in no way makes using ReNamer complicated.

I have opted for explorer shell integration so the process is exceptionally simple: right click, set options, click rename, done. I've lost track of the version, but for a long time now one has been able to save frequent ReNaming operations as a preference. This makes is VERY EASY to remove the inane 'scene' obsession with dots as spacers. There is already an easy filter operation to clean filenames. Tick the dot and underscore boxes and those annoyances are replaced with spaces! Rules are processed linearly and may be as simple as changing a suffix, prepending- or suffixing a few letters progressing to more complex operations like MULTIPLE search and replace (RegEx is available for geeks), to excellent FINE GRAIN functionality.

The price simply cannot be beaten! It plays well with meta information in files like jpeg (exiff) or mp3 (idv2), as well as internal meta information like date, time, parent directory name. Oh, and it painlessly handles NESTED directories.

There are functions waiting to be discovered I expect.. as I have recently discovered spiffy features in ReNamer's context flyouts. The GUI is well designed and intuitive. However around, click, right click, its fun to explore and discover features.

The reaming process by default is non destructive, automatically previews operations by default, but will allow one to disable such protections in the options.

I cannot think else how this product could be improved, but I am confident that when I do and share my suggestions with the author if beneficial they will be either implemented or given fair consideration.

ReNamer absolutely is a MUST HAVE.


#5 2008-06-09 21:23

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: ReNamer Reviews

Softpedia has published a portable version of ReNamer on their site big_smile

http://www.softpedia.com/get/PORTABLE-S … amer.shtml

In fact, it links to both ReNamer.zip AND ReNamerBeta.zip, which is great!


#6 2013-01-27 00:21

From: Germany, EU
Registered: 2007-10-23
Posts: 1,161

Re: ReNamer Reviews

ReNamer - Review
von Stephan     24.03.2011

http://software-lupe.de/mainreviews/59- … 73-renamer

Version 5.50
Hersteller Denis Kozlov
Genre Dateiverwaltung
Sprache Englisch

    Win 7
    Win Vista
    Win XP
    Win 2000
    Win Me
    Win 98

Lizenz CC-BY-NC-ND

Download der Software http://www.den4b.com/?x=downloads
Downloadgröße 1,5 MB


    Win 7
    Win XP

Der "ReNamer" ist, wie der Name nur unschwer vermuten lässt, ein
Umbenennungstool. Durch den einfachen Aufbau ist es sehr übersichtlich
und leicht zu bedienen, spart aber nicht an nützlichen Funktionen,
durch die selbst größere Umbenennungsarbeiten leicht von der Hand gehen.

Neben Standardfunktionen zum einfügen, manipulieren und
löschen von Dateinamensegmenten bietet es auch fortgeschrittene
Funktionen wie die Benutzung von regulären Ausdrücken.

Das Programm wird sowohl mit Installer, als auch als EXE in einem einfachen
ZIP-Archiv angeboten. Welche Version man wählt ist Geschmackssache, in
beiden Versionen sind alle benötigten Dateien und auch eine
ausführliche Anleitung im PDF-Format. Beides ist leider nur in Englisch
verfügbar, eine deutschsprachige Version gibt es leider nicht.
Einfaches Schulenglisch sollte aber für die allermeisten Funktionen
locker reichen.

Die Anwendung lässt sich grob in zwei Teile aufteilen.
Im oberen Teil werden die Umbenennungsregeln einfügt,
bearbeitet und gegebenenfalls sortiert, im unteren Teil ist die Liste
mit den Dateien, die umbenannt werden sollen. Hier erscheint auch die
Vorschau der neuen Dateinamen. Ein durchschnittlicher
Umbenennungsvorgang läuft in etwa so ab: Zuerst fügt man die
gewünschten Dateien bzw. Ordner per Drag&Drop oder über das Menü in die
Liste ein. Per Rechtsklick-Menü oder durch einfaches Ziehen mit der
Maus kann man die Dateien umsortieren, dies ist aber in den
allerwenigsten Fällen notwendig. Danach nur noch über den "Add"-Button
eine oder mehrere Regeln einfügen und am Ende "Rename" anklicken.

Die Regeln sind zahlreich und für so ziemlich
jeden Fall findet sich etwas Passendes. Die meisten verfügbaren
Optionen sind auch selbsterklärend, die wenigen nicht sofort
verständlichen Einstellungsmöglichkeiten werden in der guten, aber
ebenfalls englischen Anleitung erklärt.

Bei Konflikten,
also wenn der neue Dateiname zum Beispiel gleich lautet wie der Name
einer bereits existierenden Datei oder mehrere Dateien am Ende den
selben Namen bekommen würden, warnt das Programm und nennt auch das
exakte Problem. Außerdem wird neben den betroffenen Namen ein
Warnsymbol angezeigt, was die Suche in längeren Listen sehr erleichtert.
Falls doch einmal etwas schief läuft, besitzt der "ReNamer" auch eine
Undo-Funktion. Diese kann die Umbenennungen aber nur solange rückgängig
machen, wie an den Einstellungen nichts verändert wurde.

Zum Schluß noch eine kurze Erklärung aller verfügbaren Regeln und einiger Besonderheiten des Programms:

    Insert: Diese Regel fügt den gewünschten Text an beliebiger Stelle ein. Diese Stelle im Namen lässt sich über
              leicht verständliche Optionen sehr einfach festlegen. Als Besonderheit kann das Programm auch Meta Tags
             aus Dateien auslesen, wie z.B. Titel und Interpreten von MP3, WMA und AVI, Länge der Musikdateien, Größe der Datei
              oder Hash-Werte.

    Delete: Eine bestimmte Anzahl Zeichen kann an beliebiger Stelle im Namen können gelöscht werden.

    Remove: Eine Buchstabenfolge kann einmal oder mehrfach im Dateinamen gelöscht werden.
            Platzhalter sind dabei erlaubt.

    Replace: Wie "Remove", nur wird der gelöschte Text durch einen anderen ersetzt.

    Extension: Die Dateierweiterung kann einfach geändert werden.
               Bei manchen Dateitypen findet das Programm auch von selbst die richtige Erweiterung.

    Strip: Nur bestimmte Zeichen können entfernt werden, z.B. alle Zahlen, Sonderzeichen oder alle Klammern.

    Case: Die Groß- und Kleinschreibung kann auf einfache Weise manipuliert werden.

    Serialize: Das Programm kann die gewählten Dateien durchnummerieren.
               Wenige Optionen reichen für das gewünschte Ergebnis.

    CleanUp: Manche Dateien benutzen einen Punkt oder einen Unterstrich als Ersatz für das Leerzeichen.
             Diese hilfreiche Regel macht das wieder rückgängig. Außerdem kann man hiermit den Inhalt
             von Klammern sehr leicht löschen.

    Translit: Diese Regel bereinigt den Dateinamen von nicht-englischen Buchstaben wie zum Beispiel ä, ö
              und ü, da manche Dateisysteme bzw. Programme mit diesen Zeichen nicht zurechtkommen.
              Für die deutschen Umlaute liegt leider keine Vorlage bei, sie ist aber schnell von Hand
              erstellt. Für einige Sprachen wie z.B. französisch, russisch oder türkisch sind sie aber

    RegEx: Hier kann man mit regulären Ausdrücken arbeiten. Eine mehrseitige Erklärung befindet sich in
           der PDF-Anleitung.

    PascalScript: Wie es der Name schon andeutet, kann man hier sein eigenes Script erstellen.
                  Der Durchschnittsbenutzer wird aber sicherlich nie in die Verlegenheit dazu kommen.

    UserInput: Anhand einer Liste mit Dateinamen kann man seine Dateien entsprechend umbenennen lassen.
               Die Namen kann man entweder von Hand eingeben, auf der Zwischenablage auslesen oder von
               einer TXT-Datei importieren.

Ich habe lange nach einem Programm gesucht, das sowohl einfach in der Bedienung
aber auch mächtig in den gebotenen Möglichkeiten ist. Nach einigen Fehlschlägen
bin ich beim "ReNamer" gelandet und bin bei ihm geblieben. Ohne große
Einarbeitungszeit konnte ich sofort loslegen und habe bis heute nichts gefunden,
was man groß verbessern könnte.

Read the  *WIKI* for HELP + MANUAL + Tips&Tricks.
If ReNamer had helped you, please *DONATE* to Denis or buy a PRO license. (Read *Lite vs Pro*)


#7 2013-01-27 00:26

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: ReNamer Reviews

Look like a very details review! I wish I could understand German wink


#8 2013-02-14 00:28

Senior Member
Registered: 2008-05-22
Posts: 542

Re: ReNamer Reviews

Hi Denis, maybe it would be better if you can change this thread's title to "ReNamer Reviews" since it's no longer just about a single review, and then we can add more review links here as we find them. I've also started a "Shutter Reviews" thread, and perhaps both can be stickied as well?


#9 2013-02-14 17:01

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: ReNamer Reviews

Hi Andrew,

I've renamed the topic, but perhaps Wiki would be a more suitable place for maintaining a list of reviews?


(wiki article is currently editable by administrators only)


#10 2013-02-15 17:27

Senior Member
From: Земун, Србија
Registered: 2008-01-23
Posts: 355

Re: ReNamer Reviews

Interfejs.tv wrote:

Da li ste ikada probali da promenite naziv stotine fajlova? Sve što treba da uradite je da: otvorite „Windows Explorer“, desni klik – „Rename“, i promenite naziv. Problem nastaje kad ovo treba ponoviti još preostalih 99 puta. 

U pomoć nam stiže programčić nazvan „ReNamer“ koji će vam posao učiniti daleko lakšim i jednostavnijim. Sve što je potrebno je da dodate fajlove kojima treba promeniti naziv, definišete način na koji će nazivi biti promenjeni i pritisnete dugme „Rename“.

Pre nego što svim fajlovima budu promenjeni nazivi – može se videti kako će novi nazivi izgledati.

Pravila promene mogu biti jednostavna, kao na primer dodavanje teksta na početak ili kraj, ali i složena poput zamene određenih reči, ili dodavanje brojčanika. Program čak podržava i prebacivanje ćirilice u latinicu, zamenu velikih i malih slova, a u naziv se može dodati i nešto iz sadržaja fajla. Tako na primer na kraj naziva automatski može biti dodat album pročitan iz mp3 fajla, dužina trajanja nekog video materijala ili neka od velikog broja drugih mogućnosti.

Za one najzahtevnije - tu je i deo programa u kome sami možete isprogramirati svoju funkciju za zamenu.

Posetite interfejs.tv i besplatno preuzmite „ReNamer", jedan od najboljih programa za promenu naziva fajlova.

Marko Jovanović


Site can harm your computer so I posted just a text and image. It was reviewed on national tv station few years ago.

TRUTH, FREEDOM, JUSTICE and FATHERLAND are the highest morale values which human is born, lives and dies for!


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