#1 2009-02-22 03:36

Senior Member
From: Земун, Србија
Registered: 2008-01-23
Posts: 355

Forum improvements - restructure by product

What about to make threads like this:

General/(ReNamer, Shutter, CPUMon, Hasher, Hooker)
Help and Support/(ReNamer, Shutter, CPUMon, Hasher, Hooker)
Suggestions/(ReNamer, Shutter, CPUMon, Hasher, Hooker)
Bugs/(ReNamer, Shutter, CPUMon, Hasher, Hooker).

It will be much lucid and easier to find what you need smile
Off course all posted "subthreads" will be moved to their representative main thread.

TRUTH, FREEDOM, JUSTICE and FATHERLAND are the highest morale values which human is born, lives and dies for!


#2 2009-02-22 09:01

Senior Member
From: Łódź (Poland)
Registered: 2008-02-21
Posts: 262

Re: Forum improvements - restructure by product


ReNamer/(Help and Support, Suggestions, Bugs)
Shutter/(Help and Support, Suggestions, Bugs)
CPUMon/(Help and Support, Suggestions, Bugs)
Hasher/(Help and Support, Suggestions, Bugs)
Hooker/(Help and Support, Suggestions, Bugs)
Archive/(Help and Support, Suggestions, Bugs)          - before changes, which could be moved to dedicated threads if we would have a really devoted person dedicated for that job

But I'm not sure what's better. And I'm not sure if it is worth it...

Regular Expressions are not as hard to understand as you may think. Check ReNamer's manual or nice Regular Expressions tutorial for more info and start to use full power of applications that use them (like ReNamer, Mp3Tag and so on).


#3 2009-04-16 14:41

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Forum improvements - restructure by product

The second idea (from krtek) seems a little better. Each project would have its own forum.

I guess the real question is whether time and effort that are required for this change will be justified by the usefulness of it. Some 521 topics (as of today) would have to be sorted. It is a nice idea though.


#4 2013-05-09 02:03

Senior Member
From: Земун, Србија
Registered: 2008-01-23
Posts: 355

Re: Forum improvements - restructure by product

Passed 4 years... Maybe it's time to do something about it? smile

TRUTH, FREEDOM, JUSTICE and FATHERLAND are the highest morale values which human is born, lives and dies for!


#5 2013-05-09 03:01

Senior Member
Registered: 2009-02-08
Posts: 471

Re: Forum improvements - restructure by product

I like krtek's idea.

In the beginning, there was only the ReNamer, and the other products were tentative.
Even in case of ReNamer the progress was occasional because Denis was juggling 3 jobs.
So I guess he made a single forum, with the expectation that the visitor would preface the product name in his title.

But now all products are mature, and there is brisk pace of development.
Also, each product is generating a fair amount of threads.
So making a product-based structure would be well worth it.


#6 2013-05-09 15:17

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Forum improvements - restructure by product

It certainly looks like a viable option now.

This forum software allows only for 1 level of nesting, i.e. forums within categories.

-- News (as it is currently)
-- Discussions (general forum)
-- Archive (all topics from old forum structures)
-- Off-Topic (as it is currently)
-- ReNamer
-- Shutter
-- Colors
-- RandPass
-- CPUMon
-- Hasher
-- Hooker

How is it looking? Should "Discussions" and "Off-Topic" be merged?


#7 2013-05-09 15:54

Senior Member
From: Земун, Србија
Registered: 2008-01-23
Posts: 355

Re: Forum improvements - restructure by product

How is it looking? Should "Discussions" and "Off-Topic" be merged?

I think that should be divided cause "Discussions" are related to products projects but "Off-Topic" is totally something different.

This forum software allows only for 1 level of nesting, i.e. forums within categories.

So you're telling that "Products" cannot have structure like this?

ReNamer/(Help and Support, Suggestions, Bugs)
Shutter/(Help and Support, Suggestions, Bugs)
CPUMon/(Help and Support, Suggestions, Bugs)
Hasher/(Help and Support, Suggestions, Bugs)
Hooker/(Help and Support, Suggestions, Bugs)

If krtek's idea cannot be realized then I agree with yours.

TRUTH, FREEDOM, JUSTICE and FATHERLAND are the highest morale values which human is born, lives and dies for!


#8 2013-05-09 16:08

Senior Member
Registered: 2009-02-08
Posts: 471

Re: Forum improvements - restructure by product

IINW the two nesting levels would serve the need just fine.

Let us say the home page has the entire listing.

-- News (as it is currently)
-- Discussions (general forum)
-- Archive (all topics from old forum structures)
-- Off-Topic (as it is currently)
-- ReNamer
-- Shutter
-- Colors
-- RandPass
-- CPUMon
-- Hasher
-- Hooker

Where all topics beginning with -- are links.
Note that our nesting has not begun yet. So the first level nesting begins with products.

Then within each product, the second-level sections would be-
--- Help and Support,
--- Suggestions
--- Bugs


#9 2013-05-10 00:18

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,457

Re: Forum improvements - restructure by product

"General" and "Products" are the categories, while all items marked with "--" are the forums. That's it, there is no more nesting available, it's just categories and forums, so no room for sub-forums (e.g. Help and Support, etc). The only workaround here is to make each product into a category and sub-forums will become the actual forums of each category/product, but I think this would be messy.

The workaround will look like this... (this is a complete overkill in my opinion)

-- News (as it is currently)
-- Discussions (general forum)
-- Archive (all topics from old forum structures)
-- Off-Topic (as it is currently)
-- Help and Support
-- Suggestions
-- Bugs
-- Help and Support
-- Suggestions
-- Bugs
-- Help and Support
-- Suggestions
-- Bugs
-- Help and Support
-- Suggestions
-- Bugs
-- Help and Support
-- Suggestions
-- Bugs
-- Help and Support
-- Suggestions
-- Bugs
-- Help and Support
-- Suggestions
-- Bugs


#10 2013-05-10 11:22

Senior Member
Registered: 2009-02-08
Posts: 471

Re: Forum improvements - restructure by product

No it looks good. This is what I meant.

The list looks too long now because it is expanded.
But in practice the user would have only 3-6 choices per page.
He would land in his desired place in 2 clicks. Not bad at all!

Last edited by narayan (2013-05-10 11:23)


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