ReNamer:Meta Tags

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Revision as of 02:36, 28 March 2015 by Den4b (talk | contribs) (→‎List of built-in Meta Tags: Updated meta tags to v6.1.0.12 Beta)
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Meta Tags allow users to extract meta information associated with files and use it for renaming. ReNamer supports a wide range of built-in meta tags, while 3rd party tools can be used for extracting tags which are currently not supported directly.

There are two different ways for using the built-in meta tags:

Editing Meta Tags

ReNamer is a file renaming tool, not a meta tag editing tool. ReNamer does not edit meta tags and this feature will never be supported.

Most of meta tags (e.g. ID3, EXIF) are not part of the names of the files, instead they are contained inside certain files. To edit meta tags, please use a suitable meta tag editor such as mp3BookHelper, mp3Tag or TagScanner (for various tags in digital audio files) or PhotoME (for EXIF tags).

Checksum-based tags (MD5, SHA1, CRC32) are non-editable: They are calculated by the system from the contents of the file. You can use them to check the integrity of any file using software like Exactfile.

Extracting Meta Tags with 3rd party tools

There are 3rd party tools which let extract meta data from various file formats for which ReNamer does not have a built-in support. In such cases the output of these tools can be integrated and used within ReNamer with a help of PascalScript rule.

Sample scripts which demonstrate the use of this method can be found in the Scripts section.

Here is list of some 3rd party tools which can be used for extracting meta data: ExifTool, FFmpeg, Exiv2, MediaInfo

List of built-in Meta Tags

Note: The list of meta tags is taken from ReNamer Beta.

Tag Description
Date_Now Current Date
File_SizeBytes Size of file in bytes
File_SizeKB Size of file in KB
File_SizeMB Size of file in MB
File_DateCreated File created date
File_DateModified File last modified date
File_FilePath Full path of the file
File_FileName Full name of the file
File_BaseName Base name of the file
File_Extension Extension of the file
File_FolderName Name of the parent folder
File_DOSName Short name in the 8.3 format
MP3_Artist MP3 Artist
MP3_Title MP3 Title
MP3_Album MP3 Album
MP3_AlbumArtist MP3 Album Artist
MP3_Year MP3 Year
MP3_Genre MP3 Genre
MP3_TrackNo MP3 Track Number
MP3_TrackTotal MP3 Total Tracks
MP3_DiskNo MP3 Disk Number
MP3_DiskTotal MP3 Total Disks
WMA_Artist WMA Artist
WMA_Title WMA Title
WMA_Album WMA Album
WMA_AlbumArtist WMA Album Artist
WMA_Year WMA Year
WMA_Genre WMA Genre
WMA_TrackNo WMA Track Number
WMA_TrackTotal WMA Total Tracks
WMA_DiskNo WMA Disk Number
WMA_DiskTotal WMA Total Disks
FLAC_Artist FLAC Artist
FLAC_Title FLAC Title
FLAC_Album FLAC Album
FLAC_AlbumArtist FLAC Album Artist
FLAC_Genre FLAC Genre
FLAC_TrackNo FLAC Track Number
FLAC_TrackTotal FLAC Total Tracks
FLAC_DiscNo FLAC Disc Number
FLAC_DiscTotal FLAC Total Discs
Audio_Duration Duration of an Audio file
Audio_DurationMins Duration of an Audio file in minutes
Audio_DurationSecs Duration of an Audio file in seconds
HTML_Title Title tag extracted from an HTML file
EXIF_Date EXIF Original Date
EXIF_Model EXIF Camera Model
EXIF_Make EXIF Camera Make
EXIF_Description EXIF Image Description
IPTC_ObjectName IPTC Object Name
IPTC_Caption IPTC Image Caption
IPTC_Headline IPTC Image Headline
IPTC_Location IPTC Location Name
TIFF_Model TIFF Model
TIFF_Description TIFF Description
Image_AspectRatio Aspect Ratio of an image
Image_WidthAndHeight Width and Height of an image in pixels
Image_Width Width of an image in pixels
Image_Height Height of an image in pixels
Image_Pixels Amount of pixels in the image
Document_Title Summary Information: Title
Document_Subject Summary Information: Subject
Document_Author Summary Information: Author
Document_PageCount Summary Information: Number of Pages
Hash_CRC32 CRC32 Checksum of a file
Hash_MD5 MD5 Hash of a file
Hash_SHA1 SHA1 Hash of a file
Hash_SHA256 SHA256 Hash of a file
Hash_SHA512 SHA512 Hash of a file
Email_DateSent Email date sent in local time zone
Email_DateSentUTC Email date sent in UTC time zone
Email_DateSentOriginal Email date sent in original time zone
Email_Subject Email subject
Email_Sender Email sender
Outlook_ID Outlook Message: ID
Outlook_Subject Outlook Message: Subject
Outlook_Sender Outlook Message: Sender
Outlook_Body Outlook Message: Body Text
Outlook_DateSent Outlook Message: Sent date in local time zone
Outlook_DateSentUTC Outlook Message: Sent date in UTC time zone
Outlook_DateHeader Outlook Message: Sent date from email header in local time zone
Outlook_DateHeaderUTC Outlook Message: Sent date from email header in UTC time zone
Outlook_DateHeaderOriginal Outlook Message: Sent date from email header in original time zone
AVI_FramesPerSecond AVI Frames per Second
AVI_TotalFrames AVI Total amount of Frames
AVI_Duration AVI Duration in H:M:S format
AVI_DurationMins AVI Duration in Minutes
AVI_DurationSecs AVI Duration in Seconds
AVI_WidthAndHeight AVI Dimensions in WxH format
AVI_Width AVI Width in Pixels
AVI_Height AVI Height in Pixels
AVI_VideoCodec AVI Video Codec
BinarySign_Extension Binary File Signature: Extension
BinarySign_Description Binary File Information: Description
VersionInfo_FileVersion Version Information: File Version
VersionInfo_ProductVersion Version Information: Product Version
VersionInfo_Product Version Information: Product
VersionInfo_Company Version Information: Company
VersionInfo_Copyright Version Information: Copyright
VersionInfo_Description Version Information: Description
VersionInfo_Comments Version Information: Comments