
Product Version Publish Date
7.4 2022-09-24 Beta 2022-09-15
Added FindRegEx, IntToRoman, RomanToInt, RomanToIntDef, TryRomanToInt functions and TIntegerArray type to Pascal Script.
Updated the bundled User Manual (PDF file).
Added Korean language file. Thanks to kkd887.
Added Korean translit alphabet. Thanks to kkd887.
Added Arabic translit alphabet. Thanks to Pola Edward. Beta 2022-05-15
Added an option to unmark all rules after a rename.
Resolve relative paths when importing file paths and new names from a file.
Handle errors when creating target directories during a renaming operation.
Do not auto preview when clearing rules on rename. This avoids a reset of the status and errors of the last renaming operation.
Updated the icon for the Filter Settings button.
Updated French translation file. Thanks to Philippe MALLET.
Updated Russian language file.
Refactored file name expansion procedures.
Removed legacy code. Beta 2022-04-15
Implemented a new serialization mechanism using music notes, e.g. C0, C#0, D0, D#0, E0, F0, F#0, etc.
Use Windows native logical sorting algorithm. Fall back to the custom implementation on other platforms.
Fixed: Minor memory leak due to not freed rules contained in a rule list.
Added Corsican language file. Thanks to Patriccollu di Santa Maria è Sichè.
Updated Traditional Chinese language file. Thanks to Arsphile.
Updated Polish language file. Thanks to Miłosz Szczepanek.
Minor code optimizations. Beta 2021-09-04
Avoid the effects of Windows sorting rules and Unicode equality rules in the string replacement function, i.e. replace only exact matches.
New "whole words" matching mechanism. The boundaries around the subject must not be between two word characters, instead of the former mechanism where the boundaries must be between word and non-word characters.
Refactored and future-proofed string encoding conversion routines and tests.
Fixed: Incorrect button alignment on the Save Preset form in High DPI mode.
Updated French language file. Thanks to Ozzii.

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ReNamer 7.5.0.X Beta